DEVS Please Clean Barcode names

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ---ReesesPeeses---, Oct 9, 2013.

  1. It's one thing having barcode names pre match up, they're still trackable.

    But barcoding once war starts is pretty crappy, happened to us recently.

    Still won so well done for the waste of nobs 
  2. Quit acting like a baby if u don't like it there's the door. There is no way you will be successful with your demand
  3. Lol to all. I dislike barcodes too and yes I have a PC acct also. It's just annoying is all
  4. I agree I hate barcodes but they are effective:)
  5. Barcodes are an effective way to war, the WM names were banned from EE as they ran off the screen on devices.

    As for tracking barcodes you need a new font for your iPhone I track them just fine on my PC or android.
  6. Are you trying to get me and my clan banned before we have had a chance to war in season 3?

    I swear, Chisaya Barcodes will knock your door down if this happens >.<
  7. the only reason we have barcodes is… theres robots in kaw! :eek: but android can see them apart and theyre only effective when multiple barcodes do it.
  8. Another easy way for devs to make useless the barcode names in EE wars is to add a prefix or sufix that will indicate the cr or wr of every player on the war. But this way they would invalidate the lame "strategy" of all those who change names even during wars spending tons of real cash. And that means less money for devs. Nonsense for them. They instead can lock this thread and turn the head at the other side, as they frequently do.
  9. Sholron sorry delay only just checked forums again. To answer no it was not brought to forums in season one by the player involved he went through email to deal with issue with no success
    Pretty sure it was announced on forums by devs to clarify no name changes after match or during war but no i cannot find the thread now.
    They need far more dark dressed than just names to make wars worthwhile. Schedule alone has stopped a lot of Europe playing much less spending on kaw. Don't think that many are impressed at warring up to midnight or worse with work or school next day.