Devs owe us a better Gaming experience

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ---ReesesPeeses---, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. They owe you nothing.
  2. ^

    But they are mostly decent suggestions.
  3. As deadly said, you are owned nothing at all by ata. NOTHING 
  4. Omg. Are they really dev around? If yes, they are just idiots. I used to enjoy the game so much but they ruined it by their poor management when launching T5. People are complaining. Just for what the 'F' this is happening?!!!

    I believe people do learn from mistakes. So question is will they learned and do they know where had went wrong?

    Yes. One may as well stop playing. So is this the end result that they like to have?

    For those who asked one to quit, do you really like playing KAW? If so, won't you prefer its community to continue to grow?
  5. They do owe their players a good experience, that's how games work you idiots.

    If people don't enjoy a game they stop playing, so developers have to give them an enjoyable experience to keep players playing.

    Just wow at the people that said "Oh they don't owe us anything".
  6. No Support. If you want to make a better game experience then make your own damn game. Obviously the Devs aren't fulfilling your addiction well enough.
  7. @SWT

    But to what point? They can never make EVERY person happy. So? They cater to their big spenders. Do you think the Devs will listen to 100 people that spend $200 each, weekly, or 10 who spend $5,000 each, weekly.
  8. @swst.

    Please expand what the devs "owe" you. Explain why they need to pander to your demands.

    I am genuinely intrigued as to why you feel they owe you something
  9. Yeah, this game got more boring the more stuff came out
  10. I agree $$$ talks but Here is my take on the game. Yes the concept is great( equip, milthril, inferno etc etc) but what was the last time you actually put it to use? There is lot of potential in this game but all we do is unload top of every hr. u might say there is osw but that's usually when someone feels like bullying other person. I have yet to meet someone who wants to exchange blow for blow without fear of getting or starting an OSW.
    We need a system that would foster good sportsmanship and competitive nature alike in players. A place where kingdoms can engage in battles and join forces with fellow kingdoms to challenge enemies( key word - challenge....) and move up LB. right now LB is based on who buys more crystals. New players have no chance.
    Like I said before I don't care about $$$ being part of the game. But if money is the only motivation for Devs then we are all the biggest sucker in the world.
    Every business's goal is to make money and turn profits but by delivering on it products and keep consumers happy. If ATA want to stay competitive then they have to deliver a better gaming experience.
  11. Reese, at first glance I see two things...

    Osw is not bullying if you have been wronged or evenly matched.


    "good sportsmanship" and "competetive" in the same sentence without a not or no is not logical, unless under threat of punishment (and even then).

    To OP, the devs (ATA) has every right of ownership to every aspect to this game, they could turn off the server at will if they wanted to. You have to realize that it is THEIR game for THEIR gain in money, popularity, etc. This is THEIR JOB. They have multiple apps, not just KaW. (GaW, PiMD, forgot last one, KaW) They have to fix issues and update them ALL. Coding isn't something that you can do in 5 minutes.
  12. This is a game where u have the freedom to make your own fun! Volley scam with alts and reset em, farm someone for fun, see someone saying goodnight to WC and then strip farm em 30min later. So many options just stop sitting around expecting to be waited on hand and foot.