devs no how to get something right

Discussion in 'Wars' started by lIIlIllI___PARSFAN___lIlIlIIl, Apr 9, 2014.

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  1. So many cry babies spitting their dummies out because they lose a few war it's pathetic.We all get to war in one shape or other sh do ee and destroy their mids with pure ease and grace. It is effortless for the sh in ee to overpower the mids with their overwhelming might they beat down on the mids with a force of fury sent from the depths of hell. Within seconds it is clear the sh have done it once more and victory is certain. Now as for the mids they too get to war but realistically only as allies, we are a kawmunity and we are working together once more ️The mids can also try osw too which the sh dont really do well in, the mids have a tough ride too in osw because many don't have the Bf'a required so all they can actually successfully hit is a tiny little sh because if they hit up they fail miserably so they have to resort to hitting down or a eb. So come on you mids what are you waiting for pull down those useless buildings and get some ee as a sh. Let's hear it for the sh ️ those brave sh warriors who smash down buildings and wreck the ee dreams of the mids.
  2. @prime your sock of hearing it? And who exactly are you? A newer player? You think we get sick of complaining? Cuz we do. You don't want people to stop complaining Cuz if they do it means they gave up and quit logging in. Stop trying to police forums with your SH propaganda. We all see you chest bumping none of us care.
  3. @green... I think you mean sick not sock? Yes I am sick of hearing ppl complain and I am entitled to my opinion on the forum it's a public forum didn't you know ? As for policing the forum I have not been policing anything but perhaps you meant another word because you did confuse sick with sock... I was stating my strong opinion that the mid build is a thing of the past the future is sh.. So I can only say sorry I'm so proud to be a sh no complaints from me if happy with my build  perhaps other people will build something they like instead of building something then trying to change the system so it fits in better...
  4. Do it yourself most clans pick people to match another clan its called know thy enemy and copy their roster to war.
  5. @Prime, you just contradict yourself...
    They will build something they like and not something then make the system fit around them? That's the reasoning behind SH.... Cuz GH got needed, so then all the GH just changed to SH, to make the system fit there builds. Man this game really just sucks anymore. Now I know why I only log in when my new game is in regen. Kaw is for the birds.
  6. Why do so many people complain about what the devs screw up the devs have spent years making this game and all half the people on the game do is complain about how they screw up I havent liked all the changes theyve made over the years but a lot of them have been good for the game
  7. Better yetwhy are you posting on this thread you dont war shut it ass hat
  8. Op has a rep around KAW for being a noob. I have seen him embarrass himself on forums many times
  9. There is an official thread for this, your complaining here solves nothing. Forums doesn't care. This thread is turning into a flame fest of arguing. This thread is getting a lock. Post on the official thread if you have complaints
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