So basically after reading the week 2 war 2 thread there were more no matches then matches. And most matched were at the low end of the list. Somethings broke with your formula devs?
We had 2 no matches during the whole chaos wars and now have had 6 of the 9 we signed up for in the season. We purposely run a large variety of builds in are war rosters to allow all our members to war. Please figure out a way to resolve this. As it stands now, no matches ( not winning matches) is the biggest impediment to obtaining 50 rancor.
Why can't we just have original war system back??? Find away to stop a pwar out break again and bring back the old ways of kaw.... Formulate a way to keep EE equipment and mith pay out but bring back old ways...... There's never a good time anymore all wars run off different times folks work..... Matches are unfair and you have to other be a GH an SOS hansel or an LB member to match anymore..... Before anyone could merc a war at any time that they pleased now it's all scheduled not fair and just crap... Let's bring it back! Find a way to stop loop holes (or limit them) there's no perfection in any system