devs computers lack common sense

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IX_THoR_XI, Feb 25, 2014.

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  1. Devs: true u can't draw worth poop
    Tiger: but it's soo bad it almost looks creative
    Devs: told u that
    Tiger: u did!
    Devs: I lied
    Tiger: Daym
  2. OP, omg your monologues are so awesome!! I was laughing in rl. Please keep them coming....

    p.s. I agree with your matchup comments.
  3. Tiger who u match tonigh?
  4. ️ Ummm where is the other half of the sentence
  5. We got insane asylum - it appears a decent match.

    Btw accordin to devs logic there should have been a lot more matches that were similar to our clans - clans matched w another clan 15-20 spots away. I fact that this is a rarity points out devs stupidity.

    Devs: r u callin me stupid
    Tiger: please leave feedback on forums and we will get back to u
    Devs: wtf u can't pull that on me, u can't use my line
    Tiger: please leave feedback on forums and we will get back to u
  6. One question.

    The title says the computers lack common sense, since when did computers have any type of sense, especially common sense?
  7. I would just like to point out that computers are built entirely for logic.

    thus, computers make far more common sense than anything else.
  8. We lost war but it was close and hard fought - if we did a better job at sko - prob would have won. Overall the match was solid.
  9. Devs: see I do a good job at matching.
    Tiger: what u talkin about Willis?
    Devs: I'm do good at matchin, I'm king of memory.
    Tiger: memory?
    Devs: yes the card game where u have to find pairs of cards that are face down, it's called memory cuz u have to remember where each card is positioned in order to find its pair.
    Tiger: o I know that game. Let's play
    [5 min later]
    Tiger: I dun think ur playin memory right.
    Devs: what u talking about?
    Tiger: u keep sayin each card u pick up is a match but they look nothing alike. See [a] are not the same! And when I picked up [c][c], u said nope not a match
    Devs: dude this is how I play memory - stop makin up new rules cuz u losin!
    Tiger: wtf this is not how u play memory. Look here on YouTube - this is how u play memory. U just said ur memory skills is helps u match clans - ur memory skills suck.
    Devs: dun tell me how to play memory. Stop hatin!
    Tiger: wtf!!!
    Devs: I can't hear u
    Tiger: hear this (kick him in OO)
    Devs: ffffff out (passes out)
    Tiger: please leave feedback on my kick to ur OO in forums and i will get back to u
  10. U can lock this - I moved my monologue posts to another thread
  11. Go work for them and show them your expertise.
  12. Thread in fan fiction
  13. Locked as requested!!
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