devs computers lack common sense

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IX_THoR_XI, Feb 25, 2014.

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  1. The list of clans (posted by kaw_community) who signed up for each war is organized by "BFA, BFE as well as CS" according to the devs. No clan should be matched against a clan who is so much stronger then them in BFA/BFE/CS. I'm not sure why these miss matches occur but I can definitely understand the frustration of this happening 2 out of 3 wars.
  2. Devs: I dun know why either...ops did I say that out loud?
    Tiger: wtf, u did
    Devs: please leave feedback on forums and we will get back to u
  3. Stop using rh
  4. Lol speaketh the sh

    Lol we use sh cuz we tryin to avoid rh

    If we didn't - we'd get rh more regularly

    Devs: true you would
    Tiger: wtf u didn't have to say that
    Devs: just bein honest
    Tiger: what about when u said u were blind and deaf
    Devs: I told u I was healed!
    Tiger: now that ur healed does that mean no more matches w rh?
    Devs: please leave feedback on forums and we will get back to u
    Tiger: wtf!
  5. I guess devs listen to all the bs about nmf and gave all a match exept odd man out.
    So now this is wrong ? Do you see the ironi in this .
  6. Lmfao
    To some of these comments? Really?
    Support OP
    This is why I have not chosen to war or "join a good roster" the Mach ups are just way off, he's not questioning or complaining about RH he is clearly stating he was unfairly matched

    Trolls please troll right an take your comments somewhere else if your not even going to properly insult on a thread defeats the purpose of being a troll
  7. I dun complain about no matches

    Lol I prefer no matches over mismatches

    Devs: true no one likes a mismatch
    Tiger: wtf then why u give us a mismatch
    Devs: well accordin to our algorithm we found that you guys would be a good match...
    Tiger: (jumpin in to finish dev's sentence) ...for us to egg our ass whooped
    Devs: now now, dun put words in my mouth.
    Tiger: algorithm my butt! According to your computer what were our chances of winning?
    Devs: well our computer tells us if they didn't mith, didn't use pots, and didn't xstal then you guys had a 50/50 chance but u all would need to have pots, mith up and xstal 2 times.
    Tiger: wtf we only allowed 1 xstal inn1 hr war!
    Devs: really only 1 xstal, make that a 40% chance of winning then
    Tiger: what if they use xstals, pots and mith
    Devs: then u f ed...0.00000000000001% chance of winning.
    Tiger: wtf, are you out of ur mind! Who wars w/o xstals, mith and pots? Tell me!
    Devs: please leave feedback on forums and we will get back to u
    Tiger: (tiger choking devs)
    Devs: arrrrggg....please leave feedback.... gasp.... on forums and we will....aaarrrggg... get back to u....aarrrgggg
  8. Mushroom kingdom matched 16 ranks higher in war 4 and still won. Rh is a solid clan. Most clans run into them at some point but don't run to forums to whine about it. People whine about no matches so devs extend match making range and still people whine. Maybe if you ask nicely devs will just give you rancor 50 op
  9. I feel devs should make it so that allies cannot be sold or bought once match ups are can't tell me people don't raise there bfa by large amount once there matched...that kinda changes things a lot
  10. Lol.

    OP lacks common sense if he thinks this will help him in any way.
  11. Tiger: can u give me 50 rancor?
    Devs: I can't do that.
    Tiger: really
    Devs: sorry about rh. Does ur butt hurt?
    Tiger: nah I told u I actually made gold off war?
    Devs: o u think I'm talkin about kaw? Man my butt hurts a lot!
    Tiger: wtf why would u think I'm not talkin about kaw? Wait r u talkin about rl butt hurt? Why would my butt hurt in rl??? Wait...dude I dun need to know what u do in rl!
    Devs: o shoot...
    Tiger: tmi bro! Wtf
    Devs: please leave feedback on forums and we will get back to u
  12. Tiger why u lettin these noobs talk to you like that. Farm these muppets.
  13. Carp that's the dumbest comment, the thing is they haven't fixed the no match crap, we could have matched D1 instead but nope, no match for us again. We have a pretty big hit ratio too, our smallest sh's can hit our #4 at least on cr, which is what the devs keep saying is the reason. Sorry D1 you got a terrible match, the devs can't respond to that cuz they know that everything you say is true.
  14. Lol I dun see a pt to talkin to noobs. They need help.

    Obvious they need a iep and accommodations. They need help with reading comprehension, the accommodations they req to read and comprehend forum post are the following:
    - a screen reader
    - txt to speech
    - a graphic organizer
    - dictionary
    - extended time
    - small group settings

    Goal 4 noobs is the followin
    - Noob will be able to construct meaning of forum posts using graphic organizer, sentence starters and exemplar samples with 80% accuracy
  15. Lol does it look like I'm tryin to get devs help?

    But I admit I get a kick out of dev monologues
  16. While in most cases clans are matched up with others within a few spots of themselves on the list that's not always the case. With these wars quite a few clans are very close in stats, and so you may see a larger gap in some cases. That said, they're still within the system range limits.

    As an example, this was during War #4 yesterday.
  17. I teach math - easy to show a graph w misleading stats - I'm actually teachin statistics now

    Boo in u!
  18. Meant: boo on u....boooooo on u
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