Devs... Are you serious?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by NotTom, Aug 18, 2015.

  1. You deserve a medal for that many quests why so many quests?
  2. We all know devs need to buy new Ferraris and eat so that's why they make the PVE events... The season is disaster, I'm expecting an increase in the medallions soon, 10 MEDALS PER WIN!!!
  3. That :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  4. Support eb n event equipment shouldn't be higher or equal to season equipment
  5. Ooh the old exploit build whine... Get over it, SH have the same chance to win an indi as every other build. And do you realise that before all these events started, EE equip was better than eb equip? That was because it was more difficult to get, and the same remains true today - EE stuff is harder to obtain than eb event crap where the top 10 spenders of the week get the most overpowered equipment to date.
  6. Oh I'm not whining, I'm just making fun of you, but if you want to see a whine, I will just refer you to the original post of this thread. 
  7. I think D says it best (about another topic, but i thought it'd apply here)

  8. 100 and 10 percent support. It's stupid what the devs made and I wish that they would stop with the farmers journey events. And I love that idea for the achievement.
  9. I agree. But then complaining about the rewards is the part I have an issue with. He's taking advantage of a flaw in the game and then saying he's not being rewarded properly for it. Come on now.

    And the crown they are offering is 5x better than anything currently available through Ebs. I think that will be the biggest upgrade for any piece of equipment yet.
  10. Well yea but it's one of the micro-stat slots...I forgo that much bfe on another slot just because I think the lesser stat piece is sexier looking 
  11. Want to know what happened when I tried to war for the first time and sucked? I got bashed. I got Hated on. Told I should never even think about warring again. Nobody says that about hitting ebs and if all new players get bashed like that I'm not surprised that eb rewards are better. Nobody wants to war except the people who have been doing it for months or years. They're aiming for the majority of the people who play and you can blame your fellow warrers for the fact nobody wars meaning the rewards suck.
  12. @ Op - is your topic headline a rhetorical question? You seemed surprised 
  13. NotTom, you're talking to imaginary people about an imaginary thing.

    Perhaps a reality check is in order.
  14. KaW is imaginary now? o_O

    I'm pretty sure it's a real game I play on my real iPhone and real PC... Obviously it's not real life, but it does exist therefore is not imaginary lmao.

    And nope, no reality check needed as kaw is, in fact, not a figment of my imagination.
  15. Kaw isnt real? I need mental help I think im playing this game in my head? Basically talking to myself get me a mental hospital please
  16. 8 of top 10 are small build. S5 make people going to drop build if the equipment reward better. I try to drop more bfa if dev change the reward. No way for me to get most plunder during war cos my tier people pay 60-70m to me, for hitter 150 m.
  17. Which flaw is that ?
    Having too many allies? Lol

    Than dev should limit everyone to 100b allies max. Dev made bfa and the ability to hire unlimited($) amounts so I suspect this was planned and not a flaw.

    All builds are legit as the game allows you to build allows you like. This notion that someone down the road bu I let a huge lb towered build that can dictate who or what builds are worthy to war is be on silly.

    It's a war game and your a war build the second you install the app
  18. Spookytooth get off his jockstrap. NotTom is crying because the awesome piece of equipment isn't good enough.

    The flaw is that the mechanics allow for him to get ridiculously high payouts from bigger builds while paying nothing in comparison. His great bfa allows for him to hit those bigger builds, and props to him for that. But if he can hit them, they should be able to hit him for similar pay and that's just not the case.
  19. He doesn't get high payouts lmfao. He gets 60m a hit on a 20mcs build. He makes less but can tank because of his bfa. And they make more gold hitting him than what he makes per hit on them. I don't understand where you get your information or better yet lack of..... Ssh were nerfed to hell, they war this build because they simply like too

  20. The plunder comes from ako's after targets have been set to fall. Not the first or the last player to capitalize on this. Coupled with skims the plunder is real.