Devs... Are you serious?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by NotTom, Aug 18, 2015.

  1. Why are you complaining about the rewards for an event in which rewards were announced before the start. Noobs these days
  2. Fail
  3. We get a trinket...a trinket for christs sakes! With good stats. And you complain. Im happy with it. And the 300 souldough from ee wins destroys ur arguement.
  4. That's if you win lol, I'll be happy to get 5k from warring and the minimal ebs I do. It's possible I suppose. I've made almost 1k tonight and spent some money to just renew my pass
  5. A couple of points and a premise.

    The premise is that it is a touch ironic to see NotTom complain about EB events. You have an overspecialized build that is awesome for war but sucks in EB. You chose to ride a pony, you can't complain overmuch that other horses are faster.

    About the rewards:
    1. The rewards for S5 are not bad to begin with - they are not great but they are not bad. I do S5 and ASW, PvP events because that's what I like. Rewards to me are relevant but not critical.

    2. The rewards for EB event are very good. Better than S5's.

    I am not surprised. And not because the devs are greedy or evil. it is a matter of demand and supply. there many more people who enjoy EB events than there are people warring. That simple

    I really enjoy 1950s Japanese neo-realist movies (think Ikiru, Tokyo Story). I own the DVDs for that and I had to drop $70 for each. Because in Canada there are maybe another 1,000 people like me. Same for war.
    I would be surprised if we had 1,000 people warring every day. if everyone Xtalled everytime (and we all know that ain't happening) the devs would have $1,000 in sales per day.

    During EB events many accounts will max Xtal and buy seals. I cannot imagine there would be less than $5,000 in sales every day from EB event. But I bet it is more.

    I am not surprised there is good equipment for the EB events. You have to attract people to spend with good rewards.

    One thing I would like to see though, because I agree that it would be nice to incentivize warring and weed out accounts like Kureshi who wars without Xtals.

    Have a 2-tier warring system:

    Tournament and Brawl

    Tournament: to enter the Tournament system you cast a spell that is bought with a Xtal ( :!: "Ash, you mean - like when you buy Aqua? - that is revolutionary?" :shock: ). Yes exactly like that.
    The spell allows you to regenerate your troops and spies once during the period of the war and expires @ the end of the war. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
    This is where you get cool equipment (not overpowered but unique) and not something that goes on sale the next season. if you war you get it, if you don't - tough to be you.

    Brawl: consider this a training field for kingdoms that are not sure about warring yet and want to learn. Here you might match up with people who do not XTal and equipment is less cool and powerful. But it is a good place to learn to war and do PvP. Throw is some chance to get back Xtals and you should have a decent pick up.

    This game is supposed to be a RP of medieval, magik lands. It seems to me that a warrior caste is needed. The merchants have taken over much of it and it could be a good time to change it a bit
  6. I agree with OP. The top 100 who spend time making s5 a great time for all of us to war with or against, should not get rewards worse than those of the top 10 spenders of the next 2 weeks.

    Granted, a top 10 s5 warrior should make top 10 in promo (I hope), but jeez, season wars are about showing kaw who the biggest baddest kaw-ers are. Don't siderail half of the community when they buy enough seals as it is.
  7. Support. This is ridiculous. How can an eb event provide better rewards than S5? An event we've been waiting forever to do. Can the devs not wait 3 more weeks before another money grabbing eb event?
  8. No idea why you expect smart and sensible changes from ATA. They've been botching and fumbling their way through this since 2008.

    Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice and you ain't gonna fool me again.

    Consider it a lesson not learned.... again.
  9. >2008
  10. Surprise surprise S5 lb's are crying. Who all saw this coming besides me?
  11. I knew it was coming and didn't care too much, I'm just upset the chest piece is better than the s4 one.

    Top 100 chest piece has the starting stats of s4 piece at level 7
  12. Support
  13. You can literally get tier 5 on the event in one day of only warring

    300 per win x 4 wins (one day) = 1200

    In fact you can reach the max tier in 17 wins.

    17 wins isn't much, say you win 2/4 wars a day. That's barely over a week to get to the max tier of the event, not even considering you can potentially win even more event items in a jackpot style thing after war ends.

    So really the s5 warriors have it better, because we get all the s5 rewards, along with the Event rewards pretty easily.

    I could be missing a critical point, if so so please point it out :)
  14. @turtle the point is that eb event rewards are far better than war season rewards, which up til recent times was the reverse - as it should be, as wars are more difficult to consistently win and earn medals.
  15. Quit your crying op
  16. How do u figure that helps?
    What exactly is it that u want?
  17. Idk what ur talkin about. LB r not cryin but small builds do when others play for years n they expect big rewards for less than 1-2 yrs of playing n claim unfair if LB do well.
    War wins pay 300 n those not warring deserve what eb only rewards they get.
    Ops chose to stay small n has to live with it but he ignores war payout n how much he benefits.

    Maybe ppl oughta stop regurgitating old complaints that r irrelevant to this event.
  18. Well i figure as the same complaints keep coming up time & again from a truck load of kawers and nothing has been changed but slightly better eq stats dropped from events, clearly me explaining myself on the forums, through email or feedback time & again is pointless at this point... so maybe once devs recieve enough 1 stars and less people are signing up they might start paying attention to complaints abit more over their pockets :)
  19. U don't war n choose to miss out on rewards n this event does not need those truck load ppl here during this S5/Event going on simultaneously. Ignoring the war payout adjustments is out of context.

    Maybe if Ops or his supporters do a lil math 1st n prove that warring n event r a bad idea.
    Do that n then post again with proof.

    The devs tweak war payouts n still the same overused griping.
    I would ignore it also if the devs.

    NO SUPPORT for better rewards for 4 weeks of S5. Same rules start to finish only.
  20. Devs are always serious... in squeezing money out of u ;)