DEVS and their new school EE math

Discussion in 'Wars' started by hacked_account_FOFF_Devs, Jun 29, 2013.

  1. The devs call it an algorithm.

    In reality, it's an ape pulling random names out of a pickle barrel. It *may* be a thinking ape, but it definitely isn't an algorithm.
  2. Lmao Gisk. Same principle as the "blind leading the blind" or even "blonde leading the blondes" lol.

    There should a red flag set off when their system wants to match a clan ranked 138 with a clan that is ranked 48.

    Clan rank takes into account all of the major factors for measuring strength. So if there is a that big of a gap just based on the clans rank, something is flawed with what they are doing.

    I just reviewed the unbeknown/rising hawks battle from war 4. That war gets the gold star for BS war of the weekend for sure.
  3. Our war #4 was a pretty good match. Was good and close the entire war. Others seem worse though.
  4. It did look pretty good Ryan. #1,2,3 not so much. 
  5. Check out Gamehendge's post on page 18 of The BFE Debate thread. Excellent theory on why factoring in BFE may have been such a chore for the devs to implement...
  6. Bistro Mathematics.

    The devs are in the bisto at happy hour when they determine the match ups.
  7. Again agreed, very good post. I've avoided that thread as no doubt every page is the same argument with different protagonists.
    Factoring BFA
  8. If they threw alcohol at this, we wouldn't have a problem. Issue is we're dealing with theorists that don't drink OR play the game. 
  9. They don't drink 
    No wonder it doesn't bloody work
  10. Bah!! No drinking? I know the have coffee houses in Vancouver so they have to be smoking.
  11. I'll stop now. I'm just trolling. 

    Apologies to op for derailing.

    This is important devs. Fix it.
  12. They tried to account for BFA by computing it into the plunder calculations which I don't see anything wrong with it in my war. They also have started a new set of calculations that refer to what percentage of a clan can hit what percentage of the opposition and vice-versa. The random ko times or choosing to come out at a certain time are amazing additions. I feel season 2 is making far more progress than season 1 did. Given the DTW/DTS complex, some tweaks to where bfe is calculated into that as well could potentially help. But this might create a disparity among matches making it even harder to find a clan within that 75% range. At least the devs are trying to solve the GH problems, just be a bit more patient is all
  13. Screw being patient 4 weeks of the devs not pulling head outta ass and actually listening to the players.... well maybe listening to only 2 month gh accounts
  14. I don't mind having the dtw/dts mech applied to the war, but if sombody can hit you, you have to be able to hit them back. Or it's a 2 tier mech which is stupid.
  15. The new math makes less sense than the old math. In the old matching system using bfa you used total bfa of clan which was flawed from the beginning. Instead of calculating the bfa differences between participants in the clan. IE in season 1 we have a few players in roster that are in top 200 lb for allies usually 2-3 per war. Then say myself rounding out top 10 participating in that war at 1988 on ally lb and drops drastically below that for rest of roster. We continually got matched with clans much stronger stat and more evenly spread bfa. Which resulted in only a small portion of clan being able to successful atk the majority of opposing clan. Unable to win atks=unable to get plunder which=loss. I like the fact your trying to work out who can hit who but this can't successfully be done without calculating each active participants bfa.
    As far as the GH making them dtw is not the fix needed. They have huge plunder bonuses from allies taking lots of plunder. While small stat which gives up none. That what needs to be addressed in a PvP war system. Your current fix this week just gave them more power than they already had since now bigger players cannot ass them to try to keep them in check.
    As far as BFE yes it has a small factor but punishing those of us who have out so much time, effort and money to get it is not the right path either. If you want better BFE then work for it like the rest of us have.
    Those with high bfa should not be punished either for their efforts. I'm glad you came to your senses on that front. I'm glad your trying to tweak things to make the experience more fun for all but fix what needs fixed and stop screwing up what you had right.
    I doubt this will be read by the devs as I have posted these sane thoughts over and over the past few months but I'm not the only one I see posting same views over and over.