Devs and the war glitch

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Moose2, Aug 2, 2013.

  1. hopefully that don't do a......ROLL BACK lol I just got a ton of cash from FoD :twisted: don't want to lose it. I don't even know if they have roll backs in this game.....
    Do they?
  2. I think it's too late for war 1. We have 1 guy that only had time to war. They Woukd have to reset troop levels too. Think the solution is 50 mith plus spell mith and 1 lvl ee for all.
  3.   that's my suggested solution 
  4. That's a stupid idea. Let's riot and farm YOU :lol:
  5. cc comments that are worth repeating :

    -what did I do?
    -somewhere in ATA headquarters there's a janitor saying "...what that button do?"
    -well they said the fixed the lag...

    paraphrased because cc is moving too fast :)
    Tell me what ur cc looks like
  6. What can the devs do except ff war and give a half ass apology
    Oh they will replace mith and a bit extra probably but will the replace ee I lost cause I wanted to war and not waste my time hitting eb
    We wait and see but I'm not holding my breath
  7. LOL devs fail :p
  8. Xtals mith pots gold ee lvl
  9. In addition to anything else that happened w the mechanics: I noticed I was getting hit and when I returned fire they were dtw for both troops and spies... While still hitting me. Couldn't be that they SKO on me before I could hit them... Since they were not ko. Understandable that the devs would stop the war if there were major glitches. One thing- when devs consider compensation consider that there is also often major rl maneuvering involved in getting war time free. I hope the devs will recognize this investment and be generous in compensating us.
  10. This entire issue is quite obviously nobody's fault but Moose's. This would be easily fixed by promptly zeroing his troops.

    Did that sound like sarcasm? It wasn't. :evil:
  11. WC has turned into the kaw version of "Arab spring" lol
  12. congrats to me. i took off work 2 hours early to war for 30 seconds!
  13. The bug eye man said it correctly kick the monkey! Find the monkey closest to u and kick it with a red high heel shoe. Must be red and a high heal. 
  14. remember when

    nghhh I need to find that SS I took.
  15. Hey moose thanks - I also think it would look better if devs post soon and explain.

    I have to admit I'm disappointed - I can't really war this week so I was hoping I could get this war in...I was sightseeing some and cut it short to get this war in but looks like its all a waste...
  16. how about those who can t war ?
  17. Devs and there boof systems
  18. I just booked an entire hour of my life. I casted all 14 mith for my spells, some of which I paid gold for.. real kaw gold!
    I had to sit there take in untold level of information from my commanders, i had to study the oppo roster, look for openings, for weakness!
    To add insult to injury i wrote down the oppo roster, using up countless calories! I also got hit!! My pots were burnt and in return had to fire back yet using more pots!
    This travesty that has befallen hundreds of KaW players can not go unpunished! Here is my list of demands:
    1. Reimbursement of my time
    2. Reimbursement of my calories
    3. A beer
    4. I demand you grant us all equip from season one fully enchanted, also add summer wars equip fully enchanted to
    5. I demand you unlock all the new lands and give lv3 t6 builds of our choice
    6. Finally I demand more beer to overcome the travesty that has befallen us!

    That is all, this is a very serious request, one I hope you, the devs, acknowledge and grant :)
  19. What we'll get is thanks for playing KaW, here's 3 Health Crystals