Devs ^_^ Read This!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ____L3GeNDARYGREYFoX______, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. 3 inferno = 1 aqua.

    Change the title to something more people will want to look at too, that way you'll get more support. Maybe something such as "new war payout" or something...
  2. Why not keep the same EE wars we're already doing, but you choose to gain mithril or aqua/inferno before the war starts? That sound much less complicated to me.
  3. @ MikeZilla if you read the thread thouroughly...
  4. @Fox If you Realize I don't have the time to read every post because I may have other things I'd like to do.
  5. Also fox, I read yours thoroughly. See how it says "another set of EE wars", and "2 sign up buttons". Maybe you should get off that hypocritical horse of yours and read my post thoroughly. See how mine is just an "option" to choose your reward, by still doing the same EE war as others?
  6. Great idea, I cant seem to get aqua/inferno either
  7. I dont need em lol. If i could id just give em to ya. Aqua too lol
  8. idk if i needed you to clap for me, but thanks op