The 2 I support would be the message lock to prevent moles and the inactive lock. Now for the inactive, I have an idea that could in my opinion work. You could make it so that after 15 mins of inactivity, that player gets locked. And when I saw locked, I mean can no longer join the war. This is to prevent the clan from locking themselves out of war. They should also have their brought in plunder taken away and be excluded from the winning rewards. Just like when leaving an eb. This is to prevent a clan from going in a inactive lock when they are winning.
I just want a way to know of someone xtaled. Or didn't. Some sign next to their name in final score showing who xtaled and who didn't. Devs would make more money, and players would be happier. Win Win.
If devs want to see their game crumble into a pile of ash from people quitting and cutting off revenue, your proposal is what they would do. This thread is littered with horrible suggestions that ultimately have come someone who fell off the last pickle truck. Here's where I stand on your ideas. You war in the lower tier of Indy's. Its full of eb warriors and alts. Hell, I war my towerless alt in these wars and have a blast. Many others do as well. In higher tier of Indy these problems are not so bad. Maybe the odd inactive, unequipt build, a PS who forgot to take his att down or maybe a build with low towers. And these wars rock. Usually strat dictates. So no u do not deserve all the equipment we all bust our arse off to get just because u have had a bad run. ( just a little FYI I did over 60 wars in s3 and got 0 rancor. I have nothing to show for what I put in. Yes I have walked in your shoes) The most successful ee participants dedicate their game play to ee war. Countless $$ put into it and the massive plunder losses from having so many towers. We have seen the seasons evolve and adapted to them. You have 47k battle wins and not even the 1 year badge. If not for Indy wars you would b lucky to b involved at all. If you want to b successful in ee wars get committed and make the sacrifices we all have and earn your rewards. And instead of crying in forums asking for your silver spoon use your horrible season to fuel and drive you to succeed in s5. Now I said my piece I'm not as pissed off about this thread anymore. Good luck with it
Thank you for your feedback. Will be fixing the comma issue, if there is any. People keep on posting your feedback. Support or no support. If no support add why? Happy Kawing, Everyone.
How is it that having an inactive in your clan is fun? It is not fun when you have lost over 21 wars because of inactive leaks and realize that, your clan has lost because of them. It aint fun. Yeah there are leaks in the clan, but when they do it purposely it gets annoying after lots of wars. In this thread, wanted to give the developers feedback and ways to improve upon the wars. One can notice that lots of players did not war and instead ended up doing Epic Battles. Lots of players said that they quit when the medallion increase was introduced. Being true or not true. Sorry to hear that.
Might want to correct your statement about "rarely getting put on the good team" (or similar). Statistically, 50% of people who sign up for indy wars get put on the winning team. Doesn't seem like a very rare occurrence to me... *Early disclaimer, sorry if your a beastly warrior already, in which case, this is just aimed at anyone who finds there losing loads of indy's* Maybe if you want to win more indy, rather than hoping to get put on the good team,you should just be the good team. Whenever I war, I don't always think about whether i'm winning or losing, I always strive to do the best I can by earning more plunder. That way I know so long as I do the best I can, I can say I was beaten by a better team. Practice, seek advice, and if you get a lot better, maybe you'll be able to carry those close loses into victorys. *disclaimer 2, there are hundreds of ee warrers out there who are a thousand times better than me, I certainly do not claim to be good (he says coming top plunder last indy) but this is just my opinion when warring and it seems to work for me when I war (which unfortunately if a lot less often than I would hope to do )* *disclaimer 3, I dont actually know what a disclaimer is, can someone tell me if im using it correctly? cheers *
Wow. OP your in a terrible war bracket. Hard to make player of 10m cs be as dedicated to the war as somone who has played for 3 years or put a ton of money into their acct. Just accept that wars will never be perfect and you will have much more fun.
We turtled on Tuesday's Advantage war, we had a decent lead and looked like we would hold on(Nothing is guaranteed) Then, Out of nowhere some noob xtals and leaks billions, he cost us the war. Now that is pretty standard in indy but he reset a 30m cs account 2hours after that war lol. At least he won't fook anymore people over but that kind of crap is a head f...
I was talking to a friend of mine whom also plays KaW. I told my friend if they could please look into my thread about it. My friend told me the following: Bro, your thread is great but let me hit you with the hard cold reality of KaW. They won't add this even if leaderboard players like it. For the simple reason that the Developers don't care about the Kingdoms at War Community. I told my friend: Bro, but the Developers want to keep the Kingdoms At War Community alive. They want to keep there players happy and they will do this just watch. My friend told me: I've seen lots of amazing threads, bro and let me tell you they could have been the best ideas ever presented to Kingdoms At War. And they were not added, they were ignored. Told my friend: You are telling me that developers don't care about this game? My friend told me: You guessed it, bro. That's why people don't visit Kingdoms At War forums at all. Yet, I like your idea and will be looking for this to be implemented. My friend also told me: Bro, please limit the commas in your post. Told my friend: Thanks, for the feedback bro. My grieve told me: Bro, the day they add an idea like this. Would be the day that the developers have decided to care about the Kingdoms At War Community. (This was a conversation, between a friend and I over this thread in Kingdoms At War Forums .)
People who complain about ebs and EE should really stop and think for a second. Some people just can't afford xtals or are too young to buy xtals. Indy wars are meant for non-xtal class to have a chance at actual equipment instead of it being pay to win.
This is a very good thread and something ive wanted to do. There are a lot of problems that occurred over s4 are addressed here and i hope are fixed. One of my biggest problems is indi war matchmaking. You need to even rosters out. Tanks in the smaller divisions are like a Big LB and they tend to all end up on the same side vs 9-12 pure spies.