Discussion in 'Wars' started by casperlee, Dec 27, 2013.

  1. Check that match, I dont list that match above, even that is another mismatch with X Factor, We tried our best and get a close result cause they have an inactive. The match with X FACTOR, I list is before that match
  2. Check that match, I dont list that match above, even that is another mismatch with X Factor, We tried our best and get a close result cause they have an inactive. The match with X FACTOR, I list is before that match
  3. Read the whole chaos wars thread by kaw_admin
  4. But war b4 this I couldn't hit anyone but we won and I got no EE :/ how does that work...
  5. Can you give some numbers plz? Like cs, bfa, bfe of both sides. Coz it sounds like you counted
  6. Yeh this is what ee has come to if you don't have massive lb or guild hansels then your screwed.
  7. It is no longer about your adt or sdt statistics, the negative aspects of war are still abnormal match up logics and parasitic inactives.

    Players might give the game excellent ratings because they don't war. Just do more ebs to continue with the game.
  8. Party hard devs! 
  9. Ok listen guys. When you say the devs have lives, you sound stupid. This is their job. Do yu drop your job because "you have a life brahh."? No. They need to do their job or step down and let someone else do it.
  10. Shut up and stop complaining 
  11. lllol he's right devs sometimes does some nasty matches witch Is not at all fair wtf oh is it the baileys or the brandy??
  12. Yup ive been telling you devs your matching system is clearly flawed cause of the way people decide to stock their roster with guild hansels with a leaderboard player and get an easy match up. Fix your "nerf" of the guild building or fix your hit restrictions cause the match ups are getting so ****** up.
  13. The devs so the best they can, if. You think you can do better, apply for a job. You know creating technology like this isn't the easiest thing. You should be grateful to even be able to play the game, but no you start raging because you get bad matches. Yeah I agree it does suck but it's not there fault, you think they don't try there hardest? The support team does. The best they can and you have to deal with it. Maybe you don't get the best awnser back but if they tell you to post it on the forums post it post it on the forums! I'm sorry but I don't like this thread at all. What do you think they do at work, they try and make it better for us and all I see are more complaints. If you think it sucks so much quit the game, simple as that.
  14. How many times are these bad matches are a result of their top of roster is to big to win on them but the bottom of their roster is GH and hitting them gets you such low plunder.
  15. @ logical : isnt that why we are posting forums right now? Calm down noob and go back to your little guilds
  16. @ logic
    All you do is rage on this damn game! You should be happy you can atleast play it, but no! You just rage on everybody else's rage!
  17. I support op! Have lost, I think , last 10 matches, worst run of bad luck ever. "Good" clans have found roster manipulation and use it well, bad , bad luck for the rest of us.
  18. All the people that say stop complaining or stop crying will either be in a gh/lb huge top of roster clan or someone who doesn't do ee and hasn't got a clue.
  19. I'd ee if I could pay for it. But devs favor the rich so I will stay with 2 wins and 1 loss.