I cant remember the stats on the pots but they were pretty crazy high and very expensive. Edit: maybe the ally market woudnt have gone so crazy if they did keep those pots in game before. I was ata to hire a new position. KaW_Economist
Can't there be other money sinks other than pots? And why are the only ways to lose money always involving PvP lol..
War is not cheap Terra. The better equipped army usually wins. That's why. Considering the newest 25 lands sum 26T. Spending 100b on a good supply of pots isn't a big deal from my standpoint.
Is it just me or is everyone forgetting there will likely be new def pots as well, so the added atk from the new atk pots will likely be partially neutralized by the new def pots, in essence giving a much smaller amount of added atk while the def pots will make it increasingly hard to hit heavily towered builds. There's always a give and take in this game, they give you more atk power while still managing to make that new atk power seem underwhelming
New pots in the past have always been introduced through new EBs. This led to many doing b2b FOD to earn the spells of amnesia and blizzards etc. The hammers were introduced in the Mautos the Malevolent series as well. A period after that, those new pots were released in the marketplace for all to buy. (Of course set restrictions having # of lands to be able to purchase etc) So immediately releasing any new pots does indeed pose some fear to the hearts of all KAW'ers. However, it's for the best! New tiers demand new pots, plain and simple.
Irrelavent, purchase restrictions are land based so I fail to see how that makes a difference. If it's based on amount of AB lands then YAAAAYYYYY to that 60m cs guy pounding the 20m cs guy who doesn't have access to those pots... It's plain and simple, it doesn't matter how many new pots or what type they are, until PvP hit range is tightened up it won't change ANYTHING other than cost more to pot up and PvP and earn a slight bit more on people that are potted.
Pots prices just need to be about 1/2-1/3 of what they are now. So overpriced it is too expensive for new players wanting to war. Cutting prices would definitely make PvP way more attractive, and actually make it where you can make gold off of it.
I dont understand tge point bc the only ones tgat could afford those expensive ass pots were the bc guys lol
I have seen lots of complaints about the fact that everyone will be able to get these new pots so it doesn't solve anything! An easy way to solve this is by only making attack pots and no new def pots as this whole idea is to give smaller people a better chance at hitting bigger players in their range. Of course it will mean big players can hit most people in their range without fail with the new pots but would new def pots stop them doing that anyway? This is a simple idea to try and create a solution to this problem.
Why does everyone all of a sudden care about smalls? The problem is that smalls are being told to not put up towers until the end of their build, which in my experience is an injustice to the new PVP events. Smalls need towers and to stock pots just like everyone else. Making just a new attack pot does nothing to aid smalls defense from drop builds. If anything, defense pots are needed, not attack pots.