destroying wc ads by force

Discussion in 'Wars' started by KaWs-Reckoning, Oct 9, 2012.

  1. Idlike to see you do better death-merciless
  2. I wouldn't waste my time. While using ads as a source for targets is legit, thinking that you can stop WC ads completely is wishful thinking.
  3. I would rather "hire me's" taken out then ads, but that's just my opinion.
  4. Hire me's have been in the game as long as I can remember. Used to be a good source of income.
  5. Agreeing with Darth-Merciless on this. From what I've seen, "hire me plz" and others can't be stopped. Clan ads are somehow possible to stop, but the effort would be in vain... WC would lose its life, and even if it's through ads and stuff, a lively (not spammed) WC is nice.
  6. Why dont the devs just make an add section next to wc, so their would be wc. Cc. Ac. And adds as a section
  7. Hey don't try to be act like a reformer or something like that.changing attitudes with force is difficult n not a good thing.why don't u big chatters n reformers start a chatting thread in forums n chat with out interruptions
  8. I used to look at WC the whole day waiting for public osf opens. And when that happens you hit 10 times before 1 goes through. Lol fun times
  9. Ads should not be silence-able. It's up to you to deter people from giving ads. But if there are no ads... Well, some people will never grow. How will you find a FoD, a GL, a CoD?
    No... If you want no ads... Which I'm fine, though you will have to accept the fact that soon WC actually will be more dead than ever before, like GaW. If you want no ads, farm, but don't be a noob and ask for ads to be silence able.
  10. @ZE,
    I can help you make adds for wc when your clan gets up and going, let me know I'm anxious to help your clan be the bestest!
  11. Even if 1/10th of wc advertisers get strip farmed, people are going to be hesitant before advertising.
  12. Ads might be annoying but their helpful
  13. When one opens the chat window one sees three options - WORLD - CLAN - ALLIES - ... There should be a forth window where it is used specifically for advertising.
  14. I think doing it by force may work because that is how the farming unwritten rule started.

    I just there is less of a chance of it happening and there will be much chaos and it would take away the focus from what ye game is about.
  15. It's a nice idea but do you really expect it to work? Like you said in the op, there are HUGE numbers of ads- each day thousands of people advertise. Even with a whole clan, five clans, maybe even ten clans there's no way you could strip and farm everyone who advertises- there are so many.
    And people don't have a choice with advertising. Without it clans would find it much harder to recuit and we need good clans. Farming them isn't going to change that fact.
  16. You cant take all but if you kill half... Its sends a message to the rest
  17. This still relates to my post on page 3.

    What happens when a member of KotFE for example, posts an ad on wc because they are running a TGL or something between wars? You going to farm them too? I doubt it.

    Or are there going to be exceptions to the rule? You'll farm one player for an ad but not the next?
  18. Great point dragon. They will obviously pick and chose who they farm. Ultimately I don't think this will work. I've been hit and am being farmed right now. 48 hrs straight. Why would I stop posting adds?
  19. Good point drgn but thats where other big clans come in they r big enough to hit them