Destroyer2236534876 Perma farm of the day

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -Deadly-, Aug 8, 2012.

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  1. o_O that guy was getting on people's nerves yesterday,today's a new day peace and love dude xD
  2. Maybe OP should post with his main(
  3. "perma farm of the day" that's rhetorical, or somthing like that... He's a permanent farm for one day???
  4. Not rhetorical that means self answering. Oxymoron is the adjective you are looking for.
  5. It's an oxymoron, right?
  6. Awe how the tables have turned
  7. "Perma Farm, of the day"

    Sounds more like "Going to farm him for a day"

    A perma farm is someone you farm PERMANENTLY, not for a day. Also, If your going to farm someone do it. Forums doesn't need to know.
  8. @pinky epilepsy ftw.
  9. lol yes but its more entertaining than this thread and .. [​IMG]
  10. I reset yesterday... Have been on for an hour since I reset...


    Noob much?
  11. Locked at OP Request
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