Support we all have our problems to deal with without dealing with all this extra depressing garbage the op is trying to force down out necks! I for one am chocking on it I was getting better until I read op then the flashbacks started again! All those years of work down the toilet and now I'm back to square 1 ty op
If you don't want read it then don't read it in not forcing anything. You are butthurt at IA and me because of you went inactive during a war and we hit you. Oh I think you also tried to farm an hte clan an IA person was in
To figure8 I say that it's proven that alcohol worsens depression and no being diagnosed with depression shouldn't harm your insurance. Hasn't hurt mine or my dads. Maybe you should look at a different insurance company
Word. I'm always here if anyone needs to talk. Depression is a lot more complicated than most people understand
Thanks for the info. I just don't want my insurance to know. The less the govt knows about me, the better. I would rather smoke pot but... My wife doesn't like it lol. Vodka does the trick. ... I know it doesn't help my depression (bc it's a depressant) but I like it anyways
Mental health is something everyone hears about everyday and it needs to be talked about I support that and want to help in anyway I can to bring it to the attention of all Kaw and rl people
The first problem to sort your depression out is don't take the tablets they give you it just hides it then one day bamg comes out and hits you. They just realease serotonin unnaturally. A lot of people commit suicide because of that the tablets and drugs they give worthless
That can come from them being misdiagnosed because they are not fully honest to their doctors and when you get put in medicine you have to tell them how it's affecting you so that they can change doses or decide on a different medicine to try and avoid that. Some people won't do this and it leads to that problem or they don't take their meds like they are supposed too