what most people cant comprehend unless you have depression is your mind dont work the way its supposed to, so while most people can just "get over it" someone in depression can not, thats why they are in depression. I hope that by talking about it here will help those that dont have it, be able to recognise it in others and be able to suggest getting help. When you are in it you dont know unless you have come to know you have it and learned what the signs are, it still cant get you out of it neccesarily, but helps to normalize. To the person above that feels that they cant get help because of your mom, you sound like your in school, you need to go to the school office immediately and explain whats going on, they will get you the help you need and help with your parrents, getting back to those that do not deal with this personally, they do not understand. My best friend does not believe depression exists. You just cant explaon how you can look like a normally functioning person laughing at jokes, and still be in depression. Best example i can give is Howatd Hughs, very talented successfull person that thier mind just did not work right, for the most part a functioning member of society, but at times you go down a hole and cant get out.
Two biggest causes of depression/suicide are Social Workers and The Government. How's this you ask, well just look at the work they do. Social Workers say they are there to help, yet all they do is lock up kids for money and pass them round from home to home until they are 18 and find their own way in life or commit suicide. If social workers were really so good, tell them you've no money and your starving, watch what help you receive. Evidence of how great Social Workers are, look at the Baby P case in UK. The government are same, they promise us the world until they get voted in, then they screw us for all they can and don't care how badly stuck they leave us. So next time you feel depressed or suicidal, you now know who to raise a glass to and say thanks for ruining my life.
It's not just workers and government, we are just not aware of it and we are not aware of people around us. People tend to avoid problems which make most of them "not move on" and if there's a depression in a child then it's the parents fault because they aren't aware of their own children. It's like bullying at school, no teacher are aware of what's happening to their students and because of it bullying aren't get caught or discovered unless there's a proof. Maybe all we need is guidance and awareness and if someone had this they wouldn't be depressed unless you are aware but you don't care of everything around you and you only care of your own life...
you look at Robin Williams, he had all kinds of people around him and no one noticed, there is just not a familiarity with 99% of people to be able to see it. I don't think you understood anything that people that deal with it every day said on this thread. That's ok, its part of the problem that most people don't understand what it takes to treat depression, its not the same as being sad
If you're referring to me, I'm not in school. I graduated a while ago. I'm afraid of my mother, and I can never be myself or express myself too much around her, as she may ridicule me or become angry if I like things or feel in ways that she doesn't prefer. She says she knows I have depression, that she's always know, it's obvious, and things like that. Then she acts like it's not even an issue, before saying stuff like "We'll get you to the doctor. Pills, they'll fix you." I need more than just pills, I don't really need pills at all. I'm somewhat lucky, as for a long time I've known what will cure my depression, but I've never been able to reach it. Maybe one day I can.
Depression is a problem from experience and not a problem in growth or a disorder, I think that's what your mother should know. And same as me I am scared to do whatever I want because I am too shy and, yeah, scared...
I suffer depression rn and actually went to mental hospital for suicidal question. I'm out but not curred nothing in life can be healed in few days it takes years
Depression can also be caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain which is what the medicine is for. To rebalance those chemicals. Social circumstances can act as triggers for symptoms to start. Such as my dad was most likely born with bi-polar but he never showed it until he got over stressed at work and had a major manic episode and had to be hospitalized
I myself was hospitalized this past August. It was only for a week but it helped a lot, I was put only a couple of meds which I don't even need anynore
Also kradash. If you're out of school then you're old enough in my eyes to be an adult. I don't know where you are and I'm not asking you to tell me. But here one of the best things to do of you feel like you need it is to either figure out what your local suicide hotline is or call the local emergency services or if you have a trusted friend get them to take you to the local E.R.
Also there's more that goes into than just social workers and the government. Some of the kids already had problems, such as separation anxiety, depression, and slew of different things. I'm not saying the foster system is perfect, far from it, but neither is it entirely at fault for the feelings those kids have
Not all of us have depression or that much sadness but some of us had. The point of this thread is to make a move to help depressed people in this game or to remind others to help those in need of understanding since depression can be treated by reaching out for others who need a good listener to help them out.
It's also for anyone is having problems to find someone who might be able to get them pointed in the right direction for help
Bi-polar manic depression is top of the chain for misdiagnosis . Their are over 100 dif illnesses that mimic bi-polar. Here's funny thing about depression drugs you take that alter brains chemistry . If you don't have a prob with brain chemistry and take the drugs now you do have a prob with brain chemistry. My parents split the day before Christmas when I was 10 . I was angry and depressed naturaly. They said I was bi-polar and needed anti phychotic drugs to manage my bi-polar. I think maybe a needed a hug and a strong loving environment. If I were to say to you I'm mad gonna do some drugs to fell better hopefully you say don't do that it won't solve the problem just bandaid it till your sober. Narcotics for bi-polar are same thing. Realize whatever traumatic situation you went through . Then realize whatever impulse behavior that is associated with siutation. Then start rewiring your Nero network to not act the way you shouldnt. In short own your actions . Work to correct things about yourself through yourself. Not saying this disorder doesn't exist but it's sadly labeled to to many people that don't have the disorder. Also we all are happy 1 sec (maybe ate delicious piece of food , inspires happiness. Then the next sad or mad, (dropped tastey food can't no longer eat it (inspires anger , sadness. Doesn't mean you have a diode means your like everyone else