depression and other mental health awareness

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by IK_ARCHANGELOFCHAOS_IK, May 14, 2015.

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  1. This has gotten more attention than I thought it would. I hope it keeps on going
  2. Over the course of several years, things with me have gotten worse. I wasn't diagnosed with depression cause everyone knows it's hard to talk about those things to people who just ask, "Why?". And I refuse to talk to judgmental people who I know won't understand.

    Honestly, I'm a blessed kid. I've got a mom and dad, astounding grades, friends and siblings. I've got a roof over my head, food on the table, clothes on my back. I'm set and have everything I need. I acknowledge these things and am grateful for them and the people who work so hard to continuously provide these things for me.

    What I'm trying to say is that NOT all people show that they're depressed or suicidal or self-harming. Hell, ask any friend of mine and they'll tell you "she's always happy and smiling".

    There are silent fought wars that are brushed under the carpet.

    I'm grateful and blessed, I know that. However, mind wars are truly the most difficult for me. They are stubborn and can be triggered with small things depending on certain things.

    I pray for all those who are going through something similar. And please know, I'm always here to lend an ear.
  3. It's really sad to hear about all the people that have had depressions and other psychological problems in their life. It looks like the amount of people having these problems is just growing.

    I think this is happening because of all the focus on body and appearance that we have in our society.
  4. I agree.
  5. I don't think it's growing as much as you think it is. People are just starting to become more aware of it
  6. Yeah, that could also be the truth.
  7. i deal with depression and have so all my life.

    I just recently atarted medication for it as 25 years ago i tried one and did not like it.

    I did not know there are several kinds.

    I dealt with depression mist of my life by recognising the symptoms of it.

    I have had medical issues the last 2 years that put me in so much pain i was ready to be finished living, i happened to ask if the pain meds contributed to my depression when i was with my dr. Well that got me to starting meds to help with it.

    Some of the things i noticed after starting the second meds is that i found i was not as irritated all the time. I would not have bursts of anger as i have most my life (non violent)

    i used to recognise a swing in depression by parranoya, would think people did not want me around or would think they are talking about me. As a result i have VERY few friends, i stay to myself.

    1 Other result of depression for me is what others call procrastination. I always put things off til the last minute, its a result of depression, as when you are dealing with depression, you can look at something and know ypu need to do it, but you cant, not until the fight or flight as i call it kicks in and over rides the depression, the point you feel you HAVE to do it.

    as far as the offer to talk to people here, very generous, but its better to get professional help, and im sure all that offered to talk will Tell you to do that.

    I only tell you my situation so maybe someone realizes it may be what is effecting them and get the help they need.
  8. Are you saying that if I feel down, need to talk to someone or just need someone to tell me I'm not as bad as I think I am, I can talk to you?
  9. Depression and anxiety are two very terrible things. I know because I've been dealing with them for as long as I remember, and it's only getting worse.

    With the depression, I procrastinate a lot, I don't feel like doing anything or going anywhere, I just want to shut the world out. Yet at the same time, I long to be out there, to do things and make friends, but people tend to ignore me since I'm quiet and socially awkward.
    Suicidal thoughts can happen frequently, because it feels like no one genuinely cares or would miss me for more than a second. I live to care for people, but.. Nearly everyone I met loves it when I help them, but hates it if I sometimes need a little help too. It's like I'm stuck in a pit, when someone else falls in, I help them get out. Yet when they get out, I'm left behind and they become annoyed at me for reaching out to them. When I manage to get out, it's only for a little while, before something comes along and knocks me back down to bottom.

    With the anxiety, I need to fidget whenever I leave home. If I'm in a class or my parents make me go to church, I have to have something to mess with, else I scratch my skin raw or tear my nails, sometimes I have a small panic attack.
    I can't deal with large crowds in cramped spaces, it makes me want to curl up and hide. But at the same time, I can't handle being totally alone in a large area, it's like I need to have a certain amount of people in the vicinity.
    I get overwhelmed easily, then I panic and shut down.
    I can't stand anger, hatred, yelling, and harmful negative emotions being directed at me. I don't know why, but it causes me to break down, especially if the anger and yelling are combined. I'll start to cry, shiver, then I'll cringe and lock up as I start to hyperventilate. After that, I become intensely physically sick and nauseous.
    I also can't directly hate living beings, I don't know why. My anger never lasts, either, as I've seen how it can transform people.
    Sometimes I have paranoia attacks, like during the night when I'm alone, I'll cry until I fall asleep.

    There's more to both of these, but I've made this part long enough.

    The worst things you can say to people dealing with issues like these are,
    "Just get over it."
    "Cheer up already."
    "It's not that bad."
    "It's all in your head."
    "It will go away."
    "Just pray about it."
    "Stop pretending, it's annoying."
    "You're making a big deal out of nothing."
    "We all have problems, you should just be glad for what you have. Others have it worse."

    All of these have been said to me, and they only make things worse. The last one sends a wave of guilt, and while some people have it worse, it doesn't make what you deal with any less severe.
    The idea of prayer can help some people, even the non-religious, since speaking your thoughts to the air like journal can be relaxing, and sometimes lift a bit of weight off your shoulders. However, it isn't usually a magical cure for everything. At times saying "just pray" makes it seem like something insignificant.
    I was forced by my mother to go to "counseling" with a pastor. Instead of really looking into my issues, she sort of just made me try and pray it away. The method she chose was called SOZO, and it only made me feel awkward and out of place, as I'm not exactly a Christian (though I have nothing against Christians/Christianity.)
    Currently I can't get real help, mostly due to my mother. I won't delve into that issue right now.

    Anyways, sometimes the best thing to have is a listening ear. Someone who won't judge, or make random assumptions.. Or someone with the same experiences, someone to identify with. Leaning on each other can make you feel stronger and make it easier to cope at times.
  10. thank you for supporting
  11. thank you for sharing and sometimes someone just needs to talk to someone and if i they need more help than i can give ill point them in the right direction to get the proper help
  12. are you my twin? lol just kidding but im almost exactly the same way, im here to talk if you need me
  13. Those advices that people said to you, those are the things that you shouldn't say to a depressed person actually.....
    And in the crowd part, it reminds me of arthrophobia, fear of people.
    I know the feeling that you are somewhat useless. Even though I had helped many people, I still though that I am useless, whenever I'm sad.

    But I just never give up that there's a reason for me to live in this world. That's what I'm holding on when I am sad....

    Mine is strange though... Mine depends in my mood like, I am different if my mood change. I act different if I am sad from being happy and being angry from being in a normal mood....
    Nevermind I'm just getting off topic again....
  14. it wasnt getting off topic, if you read back we helped a guy know whats aspergers was
  15. I am getting to the topic about mpd. This isn't a disabilty, disorder or anything too bad but it is a problem because people with mpd had different personalities, and those personalities had their own life and when you switched to a different personality you wouldn't remember if what does that personality do. It's kinda like every personality is like a different person but the same body or something like that....

    Many mental problems do you?... Well it just makes me want to be a psychologist/psychiatrist more...
  16. it is considered a mental disorder and can be treated
  17. Yup, but it's just like depression, it takes time to be treated...... A month or so...
  18. thats why some people why they are being treated for it go into a mental institution to be monitored while being treated, but sadly theres a social dogma about that as well
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