Democrat Primary

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nathan_WINNING, Dec 13, 2015.

  1. Republicans manufacture scandals for Clinton. The people who are making the biggest fuss over Benghazi are the same ones who shut down any discussion or investigation into 9/11. Pure political posturing.
  2. When you don't use the correct name of the political party, you lose all credibility.
  3. ^

    Members of the Democratic Party have called themselves Democrats for many decades at this point in time.

    If I were to speak about an American primary, would I say it's an "America Primary"?
  4. You would call it an American primary, just like the proper term for the party is the Democratic party. Calling it the "Democrat party" is the equivalent of saying the America public. It's grammatically incorrect.

    The Republicans know this, but they use the phrase "Democrat party" because they know it annoys the Democrats who would prefer to be called by the proper terminology.

    It's the type of petty, unprofessional behavior, unworthy of a governing group. But petty attacks make their base happy.
  5. Yes, the Democratic Party is made up of democrats. And it is the party that hosts candidates, primaries, etc.
    It's a fine point, but we all like accuracy.
  6. I consider myself independent but Benghazi was a scandal => whitewater. So i will find it hard to vote Hilary. Sanders is socialist, not many Americans will vote socialist. Trump is no better and would have a hard time voting for him.

    Let's see how it shakes out but we can hope for someone who actually supports the constitution.
  7. The scandal involving Benghazi is that the republicans admitted their committee was used to harm Hillary Clinton politically. They were not able to find any wrongdoing after years of meetings, but continued to waste taxpayer money to advance their political biases.
    That's a scandal.
  8. This
  9. Nice post. I may have to register as a democrat this year, just to help keep that nut job, Clinton from reaching the Oval Office.
  10. Well-written and insightful. Makes perfect sense 

  11. Wow. We got some tyrants in Kaw. Anyone who thinks they have the right to decide who can vote or not can shampoo my curlies.