It's socialist, not communist, and the NFL itself is a socialist organization subsidized by the taxpayers. How American taxpayers subsidize the NFL ... /16146473/
I'm kind of shocked Ol Barry O' hasn't gone date to the NFL. He's a lame duck now, and how in gods name does a billon dollar industry skate on tax?
They do like most big corporations do. They buy politicians. It's not just the NFL. The NHL and PGA are tax exempt non profits too, unlike the NBA and MLB. It gets worse when you look into stadium financing. "How the NFL Fleeces Taxpayers ...In Minnesota, the Vikings wanted a new stadium, and were vaguely threatening to decamp to another state if they didn’t get it. The Minnesota legislature, facing a $1.1 billion budget deficit, extracted $506 million from taxpayers as a gift to the team, covering roughly half the cost of the new facility. Some legislators argued that the Vikings should reveal their finances: privately held, the team is not required to disclose operating data, despite the public subsidies it receives. In the end, the Minnesota legislature folded, giving away public money without the Vikings’ disclosing information in return. The team’s principal owner, Zygmunt Wilf, had a 2011 net worth estimated at $322 million; with the new stadium deal, the Vikings’ value rose about $200 million, by Forbes’s estimate, further enriching Wilf and his family. They will make a token annual payment of $13 million to use the stadium, keeping the lion’s share of all NFL ticket, concession, parking, and, most important, television revenues..." But hey, let's go after a single mom on food stamps. It's the American way.
This was posted on nooses thread the 23rd of January. Second(here is where you created the defense to your own argument) MEDIA. Are you sure this even happened? Or is the media playing it up because they know there are millions (billions?maybe) of sheeple that watch this and will concern themselves with it~end quote So many sheeple believed all this crap. So many ppl trust whatever the box tells them, and then go around spewing it like gospel. Sad sad that even adults these days can't think for themselves and realize when the wool is being pulled over their eyes for ratings on a box
That's absolutely shocking. I don't even know how to respond to that, aside from saying its pretty jacked up.(referencing dragons post on taxes)
The press does sensationalize many many things, and sports is no different. The good to come out of all of this is that, sports is a way that people can unite and rally. People talk about this stuff because its Important to them. Its not "just a game". There are people I know who are liberal and people who are conservative, and when the football game is on, for a few hours, those people can be united under a common and harmless cause, and I think, at the end of the day, that's a good thing. Not sure how that thought pertains to this thread, but, what ever
Well, bottom line is you jumped on a bandwagon and immediately started claiming they were all liars and cheaters. Believing what the talking heads in the box told you to believe. Without substantial evidence. Without any evidence actually. I just find it sad that these days no one can think for themselves. Adults letting television think for them. Doing and thinking whatever their masters in the box tell them to think. It's not just you moose. This is just a prime example
I watched the game yesterday and the announcers (some guy with half his eyebrow missing and some dude with weird eyes) were still talking about deflate gate and said the investigation was ongoing. Who told you it was open and closed? I'm hearing that 11 of the 12 balls were deflated, and I've also heard that we have video evidence of someone removing the balls from the field post inspection and pre game. My source is NPR. (God help me for quoting npr ) Anyhow, yea, npr, which is normally a left wing political machine has no dog to hunt in this story, and since NPR is funded by the tax players and donations, it has no need to fudge or lie about sports stuff. So, when NPR talks about sports, it holds more street cred than, say..... Espn. So, yea, I think your facts are in error. I've cited my source of news. What's yours?
I think Sean Payton would disagree with this statement, seeing as he was fined basically 5.8 million for the bounty gate scandal