@moose Sammy sosa was the man. I rather watch juiced out meatheads hit 70 homers than having like 29 homeruns be 2nd place in the NL.
Hope commissioner suspends patriots head coach and suspends brady like they did to the saints, no telling how long the deflated footballs been happening
Well if the media didn't quickly blow everything out of proportion for ratings, and not fact check before reporting.... 1 ball was underinflated by 1 PSI. Likely due to atmospheric conditions. Speculate if you like, but New England fans and Patriot haters will never agree on this.
"Stats show Patriots became nearly fumble-proof after ‘06 rule change proposed by Tom Brady While speculation exists that Deflate-gate was a one-time occurrence, data I introduced last week indicated that the phenomena may have been an ongoing, long-standing issue for the Patriots. Today, that possibility looks as clear as day. Initially, looking at weather data, I noticed the Patriots have performed extremely well in the rain, much better than projected. I followed that up by looking at the fumble data, which showed regardless of weather or site, the Patriots' prevention of fumbles was nearly impossible. Both studies saw the same exact starting point: 2007 was the first season where things really changed for the Patriots. Data also shows that the same players have fumbled with far less frequency when playing for New England than when playing for other teams... ...Once again, a key takeaway is obvious: prior to 2007, the Patriots were in line with league averages across the other non-dome teams. They were literally in the middle of the pack for most seasons, as the histogram in the very first graphic at the top of this article shows. But starting in 2007, the similarities vanish. The statistical jump the Patriots made in the 2006 offseason, from one fumble every 39 plays to one fumble every 76 plays, is nothing short of remarkable. Their trendline over this period is not even close to that of the rest of the NFL... ...There are many arguments which have been raised about why the Patriots don’t fumble as often as other teams. Many of them are simply factually incorrect. If it was coaching, former players should be able to tell us that Belichick suddenly and drastically changed the way he instructed players to carry the football in the 2006 offseason. But the data shows that if mysterious trade secret was delivered, the players forgot about it when they left New England, as their individual fumble rates became drastically worse when playing for other NFL teams." http://linemakers.sportingnews.com/nfl/ ... game-balls The charts are interesting.
Right. Like receivers and backs don't use sticky gloves. *cough* Giants. It's just another trick teams use Dragon. All teams most likely cheat and bend rules. From using pain killers to keep players on the field. Which is legal. To players using p.e.d's If you fumble on the Pats. You will not play. Keep looking at data... People need to learn about gamemanship.
Ever since Seattle obtained great coaching, and talented players, they seem to win more. It's the strangest thing. Maybe they deflate the ball. Maybe they videotape in secret and nobody has caught them yet. I'm sorry, but the incessant digging for Patriot wrongdoing can simply be explained away with superior coaching. But, much like the Dallas Cowboys in the 90's, the country wants to try to find a way to rain on their talent. Haters. Give me a deflated football and see how many superbowls I win.
Oh yeah. Don't compare what players from the pats do when on other teams. You are talking about one of the most dominate franchises of all time. Compare dynasties. Not averages of mediocrity. Players that left the Pats would have no reason not to say the balls didn't feel right. They get the boot for a reason. And some of those guys don't like the way they were handled. If and when players come out saying they cheat all the time I'll believe all this crap people are trying to push. HTTR DMV. We didn't go for the Seahawks. The polls lied.
They've already been caught video taping. Belichick got the largest fine ever imposed on a coach in the league's history for it. Are they still cheating? Who knows? But once you get caught cheating every anomaly you have becomes suspect. That's just how it is. Me, I don't really care all that much. I'd just like to see the NFL lose it's non profit tax exempt status. It's not a flipping charity or social organization. It's a multi billion dollar a year business. Pay your flipping taxes.
Bunch of commies up in Seattle anyway. That city needs to mind it's own business. If they want 5 dollar double cheeseburgers cool. We don't. And the Skins won't change their name. Piece out piecers. Okay. Bye.
I like dragons post, but aside from his charts and stats, the counter he gets, and I get, and everyone else gets when talking about the pats record of cheating is "Meh, everyone does it, oh yea, and you're a hater" This is perhaps the weakest retort of any. Hidden in it there is the tacit understanding of cheating, (its a dirty trick.) followed by moral equivocation (every team bends/breaks the rules) and then the insult, (haters gonna hate). I'll try that logic and see where it gets me. Hey! I cheated on my wife and divorced hrs when when was pregnant, but, I'm not a terrible person because Tom Brady did the same thing! So do countless other dudes, and my new girl is way hotter than my last wife. So, hatters gonna hate. It would be interesting to see who would defend a person who acts like this and just brushes it aside with equivocations and insults. Bottom line.... The patriots are a very very good team. They are phenomenal. Lance Armstrong, Barry bonds and Sammy Sosa were also amazing athletes. The fact they all belong in the same category is just factual. If you want to cheat to win, and you enjoy the win, you really need to own the cheat too. Fans will be fans. The nice thing about being a fan if a team is, unlike politics, blind devotion is encouraged and is harmless. Pats win a Super Bowl and will he defending a Tarnished reputation to boot, but, pats fans don't care. If they actually did care, they wouldn't be fans now would they lol. Anyway, on a deeper note, this speaks more to credibility of the NFL as an entity. NFL is coming the next WWE. If we can get the players to stop beating their wives and kids, and play a clean game, the threat of football losing its street cred won't be such an issue, but if this trend continues, hockey, baseball, or basketball will be the new king. Actually, scratch baseball from the list. That sport is still a joke with all the steroid use