Dear Todd

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SYLAS, Jun 12, 2016.

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  1. Careful, you might summon a sluard...

    I can't wait?
  2. BUMP

    please continue discussing my awesomenessess 

    ...I deserve at least a 100 pages or so (or someone can make a new thread about me) :)

  3. I'll never let this thread die for you Todd 
  4. Thank U MrCatfish 
    (Internet rule #30)

  5. Report me to the show catfish so I can meet nev please I love him
  6. It's funny because she isn't a catfish 

  7. Seems like you should play this instead wattz
  8. Sorry i'm not Purple lmao
  9. I'm sorry i was rude and said you played pimd
  10. I'll never forgive you don't talk to me or my sons son again
  11. She just shunned you for 3 generations, yo.
  12. And so this once vibrant tale of...(what the hell was this thread about again?) Ends in sadness.
  13. Rip wattz may he rest in pieces
  14. Dang, this is still here? Figured it would get locked or something
  15. RIP ME JUNE 13 2016
  16. It's a good community thread
  17. Kind of off topic but how inactive are the mods nowadays am I right?
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