Dear Todd

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SYLAS, Jun 12, 2016.

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  1. Might as well tbh i am bored of taking his gold. It isn't even fun anymore.
  2. Todd is just trying to make friends but he doesn't know how so he hits ppl
  4. Todd in a nutshell
  5. You care enough, to not only read , but also post on his thread several times.
  6. Fine, Ill rephrase just so you can understand me Minny

    I acknowledge the fact that you are crying over todd hitting you and your clannies, but i want you to realize that this is kaw, and you either have to fight back or ask for a cf. Or turtle. Do something other than ask for attention and make a forum post about it.
  7. What should forum posts be about then?
  8. He clearly didn't read the post because i clearly said it was just pathetic threatening to farm a clan for newer players. He can hit me all he wants it won't affect me but don't take it out on noobs.
  9. [​IMG]
  10. all things should be about nic cage
  11. I second that
  12. All good things are already about nic cage
  13. Nic cage is the best i shall give you that
  14. What would happen if someone said Nic Cage sucks?
  15. who would say something like that?

    who COULD say something like that?
  16. Did someone say nic cage ?
  17. Yes yes we did
  18. So I came back to forums after a little over a year to see forums are still obsessed with nice cage  :lol:
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