Dear Mods,

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by loganrocks100, Dec 1, 2011.

  1. Come on guys. No need to make the kid feel bad. He wasn't asking for your opinions. And some of you are just fail trolling >_>.....


    Why don't you ask a mod on their wall? Maybe they'll give you a better answer if you ask them directly.
  2. Look instead of him getting his hopes up for an email that might not be responded to or rejected. It is best to tell him the truth. Like when a kid keeps saying I will be the president and then realizes it is impossible to him he becomes very sad. However if you stop it before it becomes his full set goal he does not become as sad.
  3. I had thought it'd been bumped to 1.75% of the cost when you paid. Damn. Lol
  4. And shol, profit is .0158%
  5. Waa waa waaaaaaaaa

    Id be a mod but i know id never be accepted so i dont even try
  6. Delphin. It's .0158 or 1.58%. Not .0158%. 

    But I coulda sworn it'd been bumped to 1.75% like a year ago. But meh, I could be wrong about the bump. As it was 1.5% when I started, I had thought they bumped it .25%.
  7. Agh, you get what I mean, 101.58%. Sorry. Little doped up.
  8. Lol. Yes. 101.58% from from price paid. But the "profit" is still 1.58%. As the 100% was already yours, therefore it's part of the net total but not actual profit.