Dear Devs-- Enough Indi wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by mlm__LADY__mlm, Jun 24, 2014.

  1. I like individual wars gives me a chance to war instead of being denied by picking clans
  2. Funniest think to me is all this talk of clan loyalty. It wasn't to long ago everyone was crying about being able to leave your clan and keep your ee. If clan loyalty was really what u want don't leave your clan to war. Stay there and whatever roster you can put together is what u war with. Just seems to me the only warriors who are truly loyal are in osw clans.
  3. Oh boo ******* hoo. Another SH crying about being matched against other SH builds and therefore reducing the impact of the lvl 1 SOS build they worked so hard for. Indi wars are good for those that don't have the experience or build to get to war and don't belong to the **** hansel club.

    Hopefully the devs bring in a 50/50 indi/clan war schedule so the inexperienced can try out wars more often and the whingers can get back to crying about unfair matchups.
  4. Continue with "indi wars!"
  5. Spoken like a true sh
  6. I like the indi wars there funn ^^
  7. All wars are tuined by players, people c r y but it is the players who ruin every aspect of the game. Devs inttoduce something and the player base finds a way to manipulate it which in turn ruins it. Indi wars with alts and moles, norm ee with roster stacking and back in the day Tower builds (cant remember the mechs but theybwere dtw even at 100% TROOPS).

    We need to stop yelling and screaming at the devs and start looking in the mirror or even your clan roster for it is the players ruining the game
  8. we do a lot of all sh rosters, hoping to match same. And its very fun, but its us warring together. we have our WC and trackers. win or loose its tons more fun than individual

    also war mids every war at main.

    some should check before spouting off too much
  9. No support to this thread.
  10. Individuals wars are good .
  11. Support
    Let ppl roster wars in there own clan, also let ppl cast as individual if unable to get enough to roster in there home clan.
    With the varied builds casting as individual surely the devs can create more even matches allowing ind vs clan rosters. Therefore any kind of stacking in a clans roster it can be equally matched within the individual sign ups.
    A system to make everyone happy. Home clan wars back, and individual sign ups for those that unfortunately can't roster elsewhere.
  12. Akm you do see sh stacked rosters! Most of the ppl warring are people's today-made-alts who have a few buildings to have stats and no equip whatsoever
  13. I say support 

    I like being able to war my alts
  14. No support stop crying over indi wars how do they affect the game for you just cause you need to rely on a clan to win the war. Whereas if you do indi wars it's more about how you play within a new group. Some clans don't really let you war in there clan unless your towered and you have good bfa Bfe or your a sh with all that.

    Indi wars are good for new players to learn how to war and can erin so mith along the way.
  15. The ppl who r in the good war clans work hard on there build, even sh we work hard on bfa, we want to war, but i feel we dont want to be matched with, leaky mids,innactives and ppl who dont xtial, stop saying clans reject u cuz ur build not up to spects yet, work on it like we all had to do to gwt where we are
  16. One glance at this thread tells me what the right course of action for the devs should be, to introduce a balance of indiv wars, with clan wars mixed in. That way everyone gets what they want and are all happy.
  17. Support

    Tired of alt spy's on other roster leaking and telling otherside xtal times
  18. If you feel we should have both types of wars, then support the thread "Why not Both" and show the devs people are interested in a compromise.
