Holy crap! India wars going on maybe two weeks and you are already whining cause you can't win 90% of the time? Get a life. No support
Boo hoo enought already i repeat what i constantly hear peeps say here. You dont like hunts dont partisapate You dont like inde wars dont partisapate I think the community as a whole showed they didnt like explot wars so they stopped partisapating. many proclam to not like noobs and eb faries but you keep jab jab jab on about them constantly? dev realize allowing the general kaw public the ability to war is good for the bottom line. So enough with.your they dont deserve war crap. Get over yourself
@stillborn troll see what i did their? made fun of your name. Does this mean i get in the cool kids club?
Troll and the others are just too scared to do indi cause they might lose their precious Edge. They are not true warriors, just elitists.
I think the individual wars bring out the true warriors, when i did the first one they had we had 15mins to get ready with a WC and tracker and it really brings people together to work as a team. I mean sure, you get those noobs who never warred before but other then that if they are an EB noob if they don't do good they probably won't come back. I for one may start warring again if it continues to stay like this. Also you make some good friends!
Oh look death hates inde wars sooo much he is partisapating in one right now lol as i said before inactives happen in most any type of wars inde asw explot wars so that isnt a solid point do what most of kaw does with inactives , spank them or they dont learn anything