Dear Devs-- Enough Indi wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by mlm__LADY__mlm, Jun 24, 2014.

  1. No support. "Real warriors" roflmao
  2. I also think dev should go the next step and eliminate clan prestige and go with individual prestige ratings.

    This idea that all kingdoms can partisapte in wars is NOT a bad thing. fair wars for all not just those that DEEM themselfs worthy.
  3. "Loads of eb fairies" Those aren't wars, they are scrimmages
  4. I just read your clan page: "No trash mid builds", says it all imo
  5. No not all kingdoms should be able to participate.

    Why should I have to war besides a half dozen idiots who don't have the proper supplies to war (xtal, mith, pots), are inactive or partially inactive, and have  leaky builds?

    If they want to war they should be properly equipped to do so
  6. The community has always been able to police itself. Got inactive non war mithers than take care of them the kaw way
  7. No support- get rid of roster stacking then bring back clan wars.
  8. Not all kingdoms in a WAR game should beable to war? you realize how stupud that sounds?
  9. No support for you or your trash exploit build that made indi wars needed in the first place.
  10. Police itself?

    It's individuals from all different clans. With HTE how many people actually farm people long term?

    Not many, EBs pay more.

    Obviously policing itself isn't working or people wouldn't complain about the problem.
  11. True - full support 
  12. No devil, it's your build which made EE unplayable for you.

    With 1.7m sdt people with EB equip and virtually no spy stats can assassinate you at ease.
  13. Banning the people inactive in wars would help. . . For that day or longer smh guess devs dont realize that obviously will work
  14. @Stinkhead

    Yeah not all builds should be able to participate.

    There are tons of statless alts casting WOC for example.
  15. Full support! Indi wars a pure luck! All perps doing what they want! This isnt fun at all!!


  16. The problem lies not only on the devs but the players who abuse the system as well
  17. No support. Anything that pisses off sh, is good with me.

    And lol, op said the real warriors. And eb fairys.

    Op, ee warriors are just as bad as eb fairys.
  18. I've read most of the forum post, I've been an SH and I've also experienced ee war as a mid. I just want to point out, a mid (most of the time if not all the time) is basically an incomplete build. Of course bigger players can whack at you and smaller players can sometimes hit you as well and for loads of gold.

    Ee war was supposed to be for the "elite", the people who have completed or almost completed their build. What I'm getting at is that mids really shouldn't be warring anyways. Not that SH need to war, I think they should be nerfed, but mids need to get closer to finishing thier builds before warring
  19. Rorce people like you make me wince.

    Your stupidity at thinking players are at fault is hilarious. It's human nature to strategize and compete in a manner which wins. It's the devs fault their systems allow for SH.
  20. every kingdom from day 1 can hit battle list to p v p a list of peeps their size just as every kingdom should beable to ewar with people their size. Thats what inde wars does.

    I sign up for clan wars its either a bunch of smaller accounts i cant hit orbunch of huge accounts i cant fight yea that sounds fun NOT