I haven't tried a single indi war, I don't mind the concept of a few here and there but devs need to set some kind of CS limit to stop people making starless alts to spam CC. Also make a way to help stop people being inactive. If they sort these out I will happily try a few but until then it's a no from me!
To all you sh haters... A few I've warred side by side during S3 keep sporting the eq you achieved that only we sh exploited and stacked rosters. For those I didn'. war with keep talking doesn't mean a can of beans to me. When I first read this thread, sorry lady, I was no support. The few Indi wars I cast for were intense, classic till the very end. Because an sh voiced their opinion it became we sh are crying how rosters are set with indi wars. If a top 50 ally lb posted same tread it would of been support across the board. I can ramble on and on but the next 30 post will be grow you sh noob, sh ruined ee, sh suck, sh blah blah blah! BITE ME!!! FULL SUPPORT LADY Whine away haters!
No support.. Coz only those ppl or clans have prob who stack SH or LB n something like that.. Indi wars shows ur true capability..
Yesterday there was one clan in wc inviting people(mids welcome) to come war with them. I was curious but had other things going on so didnt go. I was curious as too how they did so i checked. They got defeated by 22 bil, they got matched up against a sh roster that had a couple large tanks and a lb. Its impossible for new people to get into ee without indi wars. Its also imposible for people to find a clan that will take them for war unless they are a sh or lb. The only real resolution is for sh to be banned from ee. If people have a real love for the game this shouldnt be an issue. Sh are destroying the war system and when the devs call them out on it they refuse to change. No support
/\ or simply get rid of clan wars. Match SH with SH like what indi wars do. Problem solved But if this were done SH have no purpose of being SH because there is no real exploit they can do now. So they try to get old wars back by saying " i want to war with my family" which we all know is BS. We know what they all want. #nomoreclanwars #indiwars4eva
Long ago there were no clans in Kaw. We can do it again. Support to indi wars. May all sh die a slow, agonizing death.