and wasting the time of a whole clan for a reduced amount of mith. Less actions. Ko's and pots used the war before paid more. Basically if you continue you steal from what was possible for a clan had they gotten a real match.
And it wasted our clans pots reduced our mith and our bonus. Many woke up just to war. They could of slept and got the same response. If it was you, and you wasted your time, missed your sleep, youd b upset too!
To many freaking war noobs in kaw anymore! All the warriors are bored nobody to war against much anymore. Then u get clans like blue sect that go into it with no intention of truly warring!!!
Hope the Os guys on other side get your ass after Paladin eb :lol: You got your Mith, does it really bother you that much? :lol:
Swiftly, you say not mithing up isn't a crime, well neither is hitting you afterwards. Please stop crying in forums
I agree with fish. Hitting u after war is not a offence too and u peeps made us a worst feeling of kaw and war ever. And I appreciate shakti-rj-the-destroyer who has mithed .
Whats the point to sign up for ee to play dead for 2 hours? Seems silly to me and probably taking the place of someone that got no match that actually wanted to war.
I agree with TGIA on this one, you wasted their time and cost them mith. The devs actually have said in the past that they will look into clans cheating the system and not actively warring to get the VP EB. Hopefully any mith you got is taken away.
Swifty you warred to win and only got 8 actions in? And then why retreat to 1st Coy when you know you gonna get farmed?
When we get a clan like nights watch of castle black. We know its a 95% or better chance we will loose. We mith our 14 mith. Use 2 xtals and try to learn something. And we have worked at making ourselves stronger through what was learned with loses and wins. No one got anything out of that fiasco.