Dear ATA:

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by THEvBLACKaSWANn, Aug 9, 2014.

  1. Fun fact:
    OP is LB#107
    From Rising Hawks

    He is complaining about not having enough participants to thrash! 

    Trashing the same old names over and over again is pretty boring eh? 
  3. Dosnt the primal wars already achieve this? Or the indiv wars..?  Except for the "Epic Key".. But you are right in a way. This is a war game, but I don't like the way to do Ebs is by warring with others. What if it's just a noob clan? A noob clan against a OP clan. Lots of effort, but sorry, no support.
  4. Excellent thread 
  5. Wall of text. No thanks...
  6. Well not heard as much rubbish as some excuses people have written in this thread

    A 3 month old getting to war with Vets lol Most War Vets arent allowed to war because they arent top 300 ally lb

    Mids can work their builds have 4/4mill towers and they aren't allowed to war either

    No-one participates in clan wars because whats the point anymore?

    These wars were designed for thousands of KaW users , not a bunch of SH or a bunch of lb to have an easy ride and put no effort into warring and the fact even after KaW admitted SH were an exploit, some people are still in denial about it

    You zapped the fun out of it- and while yes i agree there are other things that could be done - at least Indie and Primal wars give EVERYone a chance of winning a war

    Indie/Primal/Clan wars - mix it up all are happy 3 types of war - everyone has a way of warring
  7. Guessing u can't afford to play
  8. Nobody is willing enough to try what i said is what i hear. If a Sh can whack mids with BFA, then a mid can whack bigs with BFA. All you have to do is try running a few mids with enough BFA and BFE to stop them I(sh). really is simple.

    Everybody sat back and watched RH roster SH build and then copied it. I don't see anyone else trying to figure what works to win EE wars....

    Also you are saying that EVERYONE has a way of warring... well with indi wars, noobs have the same chance to war with vets as they do in clan wars... so you are admitting what has been said to be valid and true.

    You've also stated that its a free ride for LB and SH, although last time i checked, hitting through mids did not come without working for some BFE and BFA. Being LB is certainly not a free ride as well, im pretty sure the amount of money they have spent to be up there and stay up there is astronomical.
  9. No support to OP. His ideas will bring the end of KaW, although it's already on a hellbound spiral. Two years and I'm not even halfway done building, nor do I know how to war or even know the basic lingo of how it's done. #ggkaw
  10. RH is the disease that ended EE for thousands. Yes there are enough SSH for about 4 clans and what happens to the rest of KaW?
  11. well if the rest of kaw actually warred, then you would have very few mismatches (versus these 4 clans) and you would find yourself warring versus other builds, that are roughly the same size as you.

  12. Many people credit RH Leadership for great roster set up. It lead to imitation and the problems was to get an RH roster you need to eliminate 98% of KAW population. The undesirable form their own clans and quickly got slaughter by the "RH type" clans and simply stop warring.

    Oh there are a few stubborn who still try...let see how long they last.

  13. The problem is and you know it your roster is designed to match normal roster and when you do you kill the poor suckers.
  14. @Valar - the rest of kaw tried ways - but unfortunately lb is limited as are SH

    And mids with bfa - guess what we tried that one too - infact a lot of us clans tried everything but without lb and SH - its not feasible

    We managed to work around GH in s1 and s2 - was easy, rostered outside a GH hit range so matching a clan with GH they just couldnt hit anyone

    SH are different and while i applaud the exploit being found , very clever .. Clans arent going to war anymore, in fact they dont war anymore, because we dont want to war just so stacked rosters get a nice easy match and keep a win streak lol

    I could and i have ran stacked rosters , and if i could have the choice of anyone i wanted in my roster - i could win everytime - but i cant run those rosters as lb pretty much war in the same few clans, and the SSH are all set in their clans

    And the day i let any friends drop build to feed this stupid craze, is the day i quit kaw

    SH your days are numbered - you have created primal and indies - you have lead to the death of normal clan wars - because guess what - participation is UP in those wars

    And any lb crying about primal wars - you chose also to war with stacked rosters most of you - you fed the problem too 
  15. Amazing ideas here. I completely agree. I want KaW to be more complex than the simple "builds stuff" as it is... Please listen to him devs.
  16. And machine, if they get rid of the SH build, there won't be any build that a 2-month old player can war with? SH requires barely any play time to get, and yet it's incredibly effective. Tear that from the game and you kill the game.
  17. Hmm I doubt it 

  18. Valar SH can get through mids because the build is incomplete. The build might have 3m spy defense the most. A Mid can't take out a HFBC build even with BFA because HFBC builds are complete. They can have up to 6m some even having more SDT. Not to mention some stack on ADT as well.

    Also mids care about growing. We don't want 5T in allies. All SH/GH can do is stack on Allies.
  19. Valar stats that In indie wars noobs have the same chance of fighting with vets then in Clan wars? 

    I am sorry but a 4 month SH won't be playing with someone like RH #1. I have done plenty of Indie wars and i have not fought 1 SH. Only mids and man are the wars much better and fun.

    Valar mot sure if you have seen people try the LB/Pure Spy roster. Some clans tried putting a couple of mids to balance roster. Nothing works against SH/LB roster. People have tried fighting.

    Honestly devs should just stop with clan wars. It is the same 6 clan that war every clan war. The same 3 clans that win every clan war. No free rides anymore please. SH fight SH, Mids fight Mids, LB fight LB. No Excuses. As long as there is still Clan Wars there will be exploits.