Dear ATA:

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by THEvBLACKaSWANn, Aug 9, 2014.

  1. Another Suggestion:

    Normally, I prefer to let the game develop naturally. However one suggestion to the SH stacking situation that both satisfies new and old players is to establish a cap on BFA useable during certain war events. Allow the player to use up to the CS built in each of the 4 stats in ally bfa. For simplicity, I'll assume that we have a MSH with 1m/1m/1m/1m stats.

    With a total of 4MCS, they would be allowed to use up to 200m bfa (4 * 50). Since the cap is actually restricted per stat, it should be 50m/50m/50m/50m ally BFA. Any allies purchased above these stats would contribute to strength in EB, but not in war.

    Your probably asking why is this a good suggestion? The answer is if they want to use more of their purchased ally BFA, they must raise their CS first. By raising their CS, they will leak more gold per opponent attack, giving more reasonable chances for Bigs/Mids to troop attack SSH for reasonable plunder, and not just assn for 10%. This reduces the plunder gap between builds, and encourages SH to grow into SSH.

    This suggestion applies to all builds, including Mids. As a last example, a 10mcs Mid doesn't often have 500m BFA, but that would be the cap for them too. As you increase your CS, you are allowed to match your CS in BFA. This suggestion satisfies established players too, including LB.
  2. This has to be the best thread I've read since someone posted about their landowner trying to build a shed or something...

    Support to 110%
  3. Support and Bump
  4. Interesting read there. But what Donna before said really hit the nail on the head. Create brackets in which certail CS will fall into to war. The higher the CS requirements, the greater the rewards. Tournaments that encourage growth and not the opposite. Encourage strategy to win rather than the much used "exploit" word. For me, iWars are the closest thing to this "bracket war" idea. Donno's idea is the same with ATA's Hunt Events. With certain collected items, you get a different reward.

  5. Op said the handful of whiners . Most of KaW wants to see SH/GH go down. Why is it fair for a 4 month player to be playing along side a 4 year vet? Your saying hard work and dedication means nothing to you.

    Your reason for SH being a good to kaw is crap. SH kill growth and tell new players "don't grow, there is no need". I for one enjoy seeing a noob put their first tower up.

    The devs are cracking down on your build OP. Time for you to go looking for the next exploit. Devs are not ruining kaw. It is the player base an the people who exploit. It is always the same people who try to pull the same crap.
  6. Support ! Best read 
  7. No support to op. Full support to vixen on pg2
  8. Absolutely no support to brackets in which the higher brackets yield better rewards. What makes ally LB vs ally LB (within reason, not RedStar vs. ally LB 50) a harder fight than SH vs SH? It isn't.

    Dumb idea.
  9. The real problem starts when they introduce the hf land, it makes already hard to grow even harder, with many old player quit, not many new player join when they realized how hard it is to catch up in this game, plus, there is no reason to grow, I was a sh, when I convert my build, I saw 0 benefits, the ee does not attract me any more, the reward is not good enough, I stopped care about the mith after s1, for all those ppl calling sh an exploit, the reason is that they felt they should have more goodies then those ppl who only been played since or after s1.
    S1 was great, a lots more clan war everyday, mid was not really small, big was not too big, after the hf land, it really increase the gap between players, now, mid can't do anything in ee, it is super hard to grow too, and almost impossible to change build, stay as sh and get bfa seems like a better option, you can change your bfa without losing a lot gold, it's the difficulty level to grow that made all those sh, it is a lot easier for ppl to get the reward they wanted then to grow to a level that's big enough to get the rewards and pleasure of the game, ee is more fun them eb and not everyone can handel osw.
  10. After doing EE since before S1 i think that i can speak with some credibility.

    ex·ploit - to use (someone or something) in a way that helps you unfairly.

    Every sport, event, competition evolves over time. IS it not the job of the Managers, coaches, leaders and owners to determine what trend or strategy will be successful going forward?

    Honestly, By the time Devs implemented these attempts to appease the players upset with the state of EE... The majority of clans were using SH/LB rosters. BTW, they were also kicking bad performers and recruiting good fighters.

    A small handful of clans DID get screwed with matchups on many occasions. Clans that would go big, to only be matched with a clan using an EE roster of 6 SH.

    That is frustrating. There simply are not enough clans doing EE with that type of roster anymore. So devs force a bad matchup and the rage continues.

    What "ruined" EE is not a certain build or "exploit". Before indi wars started. There were 20 wars/timeslot going on. there is like 3 wars today.
  11. Couldn't say it any better myself brother. Participation has always been the problem. Of course some clans can bypass warring often by HTE clans and running long EBs but that is the beauty of it. Some clans HTE and long EBs go by quick and it will force larger clans to war instead of sitting back hitting EBs and HTE clan members may eventually run out money for seals and be forced to war.

    Only problem I see is war crystals. Yup I said it we need WAR CRYSTALS. We can't be having players forced to war and caugh up cash it just isn't happening. Maybe do away with Nobility points. Make them have no other effect but regens and have crystals deal with other nonsense like name changes and such. Nobility points can be bought through their terrible package deals or 1 by 1 and create a way to earn them through EBs. They have to be not too easy to obtain where you are guaranteed every EB. Maybe 1-5 EBs is normally an earning point. Just something to think about.
  12. Even in fair matchups... i see players with 15 actions. This is not a problem? but how other clans comprise their rosters is?

    Those same terrible warriors are perms, they are friends...They will continue to war/leak VS whoever you face. Good EE clans Build the most effective rosters, Use the fastest/smartest hitters. are led by good WC's and remove people who are not good at EE.

    I understand people want to war with their friends blah blah blah.

    Not everyone is equal in the landscape of EE. Im sure some clans have people casting for wars from phones, at the mcdonalds using WIFI, driving home from work.. LOL. Get a grip, the best EE clans have 90% of active warrers self tracking, sitting in front of an expensive gaming computer, and taking the wars seriously. Focused on THE WAR. not warring 3 accounts. Not oversleeping and missing the war.

    You cannot blame anyone at ATA for the fact that 3 of your best friends in your clan suck at EE. Plenty of friends of mine have been removed from our clan, because they were not good enough.

    Take my post with a grain of salt. Hey, what do i know?

    That is what it comes down to. Adjusting, learning what works and dealing with it. I know it sucks that rosters HAVE To be a certain way to win in EE. I lost many friends bc they no longer could fit into a successful EE roster. Its the name of the game. Im not crying, i am spending my energy working to fit the mold.

  13. You know, all i see you do in EE war threads is say this, but you are still not seeing it. You see the real problem is that all these mid builds are too lazy to do anything about their failure to war. If you look at the SH build, the ONLY way it works effectively is with BFA. Clans roster LB, a couple sh that can hit over the hit ratio lines, and smaller sh that are under. Their BFA allows them to attack through mids, and sometimes bigs, making a lot of gold. This works the same way with LB, they have a lot of BFA so they are nearly impenetrable.

    So picture this, a Mid size build, spends some time building up BFA, (just like the SH did) and then becomes invulnerable to SH, and has the ability to hit through BIG even more often then a SH can. The only problem is, that when this starts to happen, people will complain its an exploit and then it will get nerfed.

    The SH build is not an exploit. It's a build just like ANY other, that has become commonly used combined with BFA. People complain because the stats are not helping, why? Because somebody put 5 trillion into allies instead of 500 billion. So you tell me, this "easy" build, is not so easy to build. Because it takes time, and lots of it.
  14. EE wars are reflective of the way real life is.
    Survival of the fittest in a sense. You don't become a successful business man by sitting back and letting other people work harder than you. You take the initiative, and figure out what will make you better and more successful than the competition. Sometimes you have to be an ass and throw someone under the bus in order to rise up to the top. This is the way that everyday life works.

    Processional sports teams don't sit and roster their best friends who suck at the sport, watching their opponents buy better players. You go out and you buy players who are better than what you already have so you can beat the competition.

    OSW people don't sit back and watch as you get farmed to bits and your friends get stripped naked. What do you do? You put buildings up that will make it hard on the enemy. You build a bank so you can strip your enemies.

    This is the way that all of life works, you figure out what you have to do to beat the next person. This is what SH's did, and this is what those serious about EE war will continue to do as the next best builds are discovered.
  15. Im waiting

    As with oo, all he needs to do is drop some bfa and have an effective build in watever the next stamdard of warring shall be.

    Without participation matchups will still be bad,

    There is no real incentive to war except those that just love it.

    I mean, just wait for the next promo to get equioment that is better than what you can ger with mith (you dont see me with my red bp on ever)

    Now the equipment from promo/eb has leveled that playing field a good bit.

    There is space on a lot of equipment to ad a plunder bonus.

    Imo thats the only way to increase participation would be to offer equipment tgat gives a equiped % plunder bonus, something no one has
  16. People will always cry.

    The same people crying about it are also still buying xstals, nobs, sods and the devs are laughing about it while they drink Canadian tea on the way to the bank.

    All devs need to do is offer some BS promo, HTE 50% plunder to earn what they lost from poor participation in EE.
  17. War is dead. EB for the win, noobs
  18. maybe devs think this will force people to want to grow, it will do 1 of 2 things imo, thosevthat already have the means will just switch, and the mids that fought tooth and nail to build good enough to war as a mid will see it as unatainable and quit.

    Ata can do as they want, but present road is leading to the cemetary.

    I dont mind the extra time i will have, so close to my ally lb goal too.
  19. No support. Devs need to fix the payout for sh to not be an exploit build. They win almost 3x gold then a mid/big wins on them. There lies the problem. Thats the biggest issue of the exploit. SH pay crap to all yet we pay great to them.
  20. The other issue is the only reason these sh have gotten to this point where they have had time to build the bfa they did was because the devs sat on their hands so long and allowed the integrity of the system to fail the majority of the players a quick fix in the beginning would have stopped the nonsense and we could have moved on

    It lasted so long that that the trust in the system no matter the "fixes" made will not help participation until the devs fix the system so all can compete and that either u get a fair match or a no match at all people will not sign up for a forced war at any cost or reward