Thanks everyone for all the support and suggestions! When I get home to my computer I will update the support this and update it with the questions / concerns of everyone! You're really helping me perfect this concept, so thank you! Any and all suggestions are still very welcome
JUST UPDATED THE SUPPORTERS AND ADDED THIS: *IMPORTANT* A very important find is that the CC Notification could make the enemy clan aware of strips. As, the CC Notification is a very important part of being a Deafening Tyrant I would like to figure out a way to prevent this when the DT is in the process of stripping an opponent. Two possibilities will follow: 1. A Mithril spell that, once cast, will prevent this notification for up to 24-48 hours, depending on the spell or ideas of the developers. 2. A potion that CAUSES the notification that is distributed by the developers (kind of like speakers are for Mods). The CC notification is needed in my mind because the point of a Deafening Tyrant is to be a Tyrant and to be known for it. ------ Thank you again everyone for the support.
In my opinion, if the requirement "must have been silenced once" is removed it would be much better! A player does not need to be silenced to become a Deafening Tyrant, as he/she can still be known for the passion of osw-ing and warring, but still respects players in their unique ways without getting silenced! Then, I will support that idea! Note: IF the silence requirement is removed from the idea, OP, I am certainly welcome to be put on the support list! Also...I would like to add something to this: For Deafening Tyrants who have finally been induced, if they continue to be what it is required for a Deafening Tyrant, for example, still osw-ing and warring hard, the spell granting them 5% PvP bonus could be raised to 6% for every 6 months, AND that the 1% chance of notification showing up in the Clan Chat could be raised to 2% also for every 6 months! to show that they're stronger as Deafening Tyrants, determined by the Developers! However, after they are now DT's and didn't show what it means to be one, the spell will remain at 5% as it is!
Thank you for your contribution Sean As I work on the finished product that I will email to the developers I plan to remove the silenced requirement! I mainly put it there for a few laughs :lol:
I have already posted my opinion on the silence (which I am glad I wasn't the only one with that opinion) and I support this idea Also yay for the silence being removed narc
Glad you removed the "silence" requirement, because if the Devs put this into the game, they would actually be breaking the ToU themselves, because you can't encourage a player to break the ToU. I've been silenced once, though, so who am I to talk?