Oh man, I've been waiting to troll you for awhile curse. I'm actually In shock at how fkn stupid you are mate, not even ignorant. So let's just glance over your topics eh The most agggresive position your pushing is bcuz they have osf that stay open they're cheaters?.. Ok, does the word activity mean anything to you? Also it's not just one osf, if they were scriptn/botn/ for gold or any of that why have well over 8-10 osf?.. Also, what proof do you bring to the table? This is a clear cut push against the admins newest rule on accusations I read every post haha, that's the thing. You offer absolutely 0 proof. Even compared df to tp... For account sharing when has anyone at all, ever accused df for sharing and had a even slight bit of evidence. Today's trolls and ranting... Pathetic, you offer nothing besides failing at spellcheck and loose accusations. The mr&Kard situation whether I agree or not was an extremely well played move. Let me think, what else did you say?.. Oh something bout you upgrading blah blah, who cares if you upgrade. Your in the cheap phases of the game your a nobody and a never will be You think this will stop df from moving up? I think not. Maybe you should try some experience before saying such things?.. Just an idea Then again that takes more than forum fighting ps: Excuse my bad grammar everyone readn this, typn on an iPod with large hands isn't easy
A spy can feed an entire clan for a week with just a couple troop dumps if they do it right. So where does the money come from with no allies? There is your answer. Just about all clans now use this. Plus the clans use ally volleying. How do you think there is suddenly so many lc players in this game. It would be nice if ppl quit bashing other clans and focused on building their own.
I no igiggle I no and I code he is attemting to be funny and make fun of deadly fate but he is just a fail
No iCode he's calling himself that. He keeps trying to give himself the title Deadly Fail but he's like I don't know how!!!!! It just won't let me!!! Odds are that is actually true lol
No he is trying to make a clan that does all this stuff and call it deadly fate but he is to poor and weak to make one
I left for a bit but ROFL you calling ME a fail troll? I troll noobs, that why I came here, you are sad
lol the fail troll left looks like. i looked over this whole thread and ROFL! hes a majore fail. deadly fate doesnt cheat i got good friends in their. agian a MAJOR FAIL!