Who is this person im pretty sure they had a thread saying ban this player or something...Well again some random noob thinks he is really good
I'll say again explain to me how it could even possibly happen in a legal way and I'll reset and quit. Otherwise Deadly Fails continue to fail
When did they start to fail? Never. Your just jealous. You envy DF. You know you do. Everyone knows you do. You just can't bring yourself to admit that. So now you have to fail and trying to make everyone think they fail.
Kid I can't wait till you get farmed and stripped. When you do I am gonna make a thread about you and youur failure.
ha iwas in DF. Aput knows what he is doing and it doesnt surprise me they are so strong, he will stay up all 48 hours during a war
Cursed_Soul do yourself a favor and delete the app before you lose any more self esteem. Cuz when I get up I don't want to see that a little preteen girl hung herself over a game called Kingdoms At War on the newspaper. Really I don't. Would put a tiny downer on my day.
Wow really? This thread is pretty useless. Many people have given you legal reasons but you make your self deny because you wish you were them.
Bastion, relax, he's purposely trying to get u to fight, he wants to feel like he's better than everyone
Your forum attack power is obviously in the negatives. You've ready used your special attack called "panties in a wad" when you decided you would make this post. It's not worth trolling someone who trolls himself. Can you dig it?