deablade (cue laughing emoji that I no longer have)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Balto573, Nov 2, 2013.

  1. who the **** are you?
    You seem to consider yourself as a perm, because you fought 2 or 3 ees?
    We kicked you, because you was inactive and sucked....
    And since we have a minimum of 5 or more rooms where every member is in, you were NEVER a perm...
    This is an insult to every of our members, that you consider yourself as a perm of the best clan family in whole kaw.
    Pls make your previous forum post true and just retire from KaW ️
  2. Hahahaha props to Ballsanga for making Balto squirm like this, that little noob can't admit any truth, he even resorted to using a alt as his own backup in facts, ******* pathetic. :lol:

    Kudos to you ballsanga, kudos.
  3. I was never inactive i did 12 ee wars at war honour and you were on my friends list until 12 days ago argoli so shut up and get what's coming to you
  4. Lol just cause you did a couple ee wars at their clan doesnt make u a perm.
  5. I get it. If all I had to hang my hat on was this delusion of being a perm member of a clan, I would ignore facts too. It's okay. WAR will be comfortable in the fact they know the truth.

    To the rest of KAW, please don't hold his false association against WAR. It would truly be an embarrassment if you saw this one as an example of WAR's membership. They have much higher standards for sure
  6. @ Boba-fett I'm not squirming I'm enjoying a challenge of disproving him I'm failing at it so its even more of a challenge therefore more fun go back to watching Star Wars
  7. Hint: I am one of the founding leaders of WAR....shhhhh. Don't tell anyone else please. Our secret. That's why I know things.
  8. No you're just making yourself look stupid and trying to gain some sort of credit that you were an actual perm of a war clan, unlike you I can say I'm a perm of a war clan not WAR themselves but a war clan none the less.

    "Go back to watching Star Wars" :lol: was this an insult? I truly don't see anything insulting in this, just more and more fail from you (shocking!) anyways keep up your delusion that you've been a perm in a respected clan, won't get you far but it's funny to see you argue reality.
  9. I never said war was a respected group
  10. You was on my friend list, because I told you to shut up being a noob in forums as long as you are in a WAR clan, which was honour to that time.
    Nothing more, nothing less.
    You seemed nice, I'll admit that.
    But then you continued to act like a child...
    Nothing bad about it, if you are a child, it's cool, you can't change it.
    But WAR does not want child's 
  11. Well, I have a slight headache now from bashing my head against the wall of buffoonery that is balto.

    Maybe have your mommy make you some chocolate milk and a sammich so you can watch your favorite character Jar-Jar!

    PS-the only thing I see with the potential of permanent regarding WAR and you - CA, Family Farm. Enjoy!
  12. Balls
    You just insulted jarival 
  13. Oh, one last thing.

    Don't worry, I did notice u trying to defend yourself using your plmparoo account. Guess you let that secret out huh? Genius I tell ya. Pure genius.
  14. It seems appropriate to clear up a couple of misconceptions.

    Balto. You're insolent and a fool.
    You were never a WAR member. You were inadvertently allowed to EE a couple of times with Honour. That's my fault entirely. Had I have known, you wouldn't have had 1 second in WAR.

    You were never a WAR member.
    You aren't an underarm follicle of any true KaW practitioner.
    You can't even take credit for rocking at EB. It would seem you can't actually get anything right.

    Your quest for relevance is boring. Do try to avoid associating yourself with anyone of any relevance in this community.

    Alison understood that you suck
    New Age realise the same thing
    We know you suck

    Congrats champ. You're irrelevant.
    But don't reset. Seems you're a good punching bag. In that way, you're a ray of sunshine in an otherwise cloudy day... Dipstick.
  15. Oh gis, everybody must love you when you find the ways into forums 
  16. Baltos mad at lest he plays the game old school
  17. I think Balto might actually be the games greatest troll...
  18. Ballsagna

    Those are the greatest comebacks ever. I mean honestly 

    Straight out of a retarded second graders head.

  19. Greatest buffoon? Yes.
    Greatest punching bag? Adequate.
    Greatest troll? Hell no.
  20. holy hell balto your about as popular as a fatmans fart in a packed elevator.