
Discussion in 'Wars' started by Xx-ALBA-xX, Nov 7, 2012.

  1. Why? Why can't you just "prove" to us the complaint like you "proved" to us that you were winning?
  2. If I was boasting I would have lied and not included my loss. :lol:

    Besides, I'm not one to boast about beating someone less than half my stats. My post was merely an indication of how annoyed I felt you have become, and that was my way of showing you and fellow forumers.
  3. DD-warrior lies to someone because he doesn't want to deal with them(talk about laziness). I hope they read this thread and whoop your ass for 'bluffing' to them.
  4. What complaint? Are you high?
  5. They were all double to triple MY size, so i was covering my Bases.
  6. The complaint on shorty's wall. As was my understanding DD complained on shorty's wall. Instead of childish insults of me being high, something that makes more sense would be better.
  7. DD warrior was admitting weakness. Im okay with that. Though I doubt the "war vet" thing, atleast he/she will admit that they cant take on people.
  8. Oh, look at shorty's wall, DD is on there. Everything he says on there backs up what is say and proves he's lying
  9. But I took him on...
  10. Arent you special? You took on someone around your stats. Sounds like something else I know, called a battle list.
  11. Id rather have my weakness and admit it. and i have been through many wars, Pwars, Real wars, and Off system wars. Ive seen it all.
  12. So that means your a war veteran then?
  13. Well what defines a veteran? i would say that i am, but then, to each his own.
  14. A real war veteran wouldn't care the size of the player. Experience over stats in an osw.
  15. I was tiny in the Osw, so i would really count that...
  16. Well for one if your a veteran one would not say yes if people asked if they could help you in a ONEvONE, it's not by the number of the wars you are in but more or less so the way you handle yourself in a war, and the quality of it. For all we know you could be whacking away the eb when your clan was in the Osws.
  17. Sry, *whacking away at the eb
  18. I only hit the eb after i can no longer hit anyone else
  19. I am just laughing at this! Thanks for adding abit of excitement to my night 

    Now why dont you Both leave ur clans ...actually have a real 1v1 and actually hit each other and then take SS of your attacks and Inc then post them SS on here in a few days (if it lasts that long) and we will see who is fairly beaten and who is the actual "war vet" out of you both???? Lmao
  20. Could i do this on the weekend? I have no problem doing it, I just have school and work...i should honestly be asleep right now.