Damn Daniel...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by W32SQLE_Anarchy, Feb 24, 2016.

  1. Wizzy since you're another loser who is apparently desperate for my response after being ignored. I didn't ask anyone, such as yourself, who keeps commenting and getting ignored, to give me attention.

    That just seems to be a by-product of making a thread Grizzy, I know it's hard to understand when all you ever do is leech off of other people's threads. Give it a go some time if you're ever feeling really 'special'.
  2. You just responded to me you numb idiot.
  3. Uh oh skinny minny is here
  4. Anyone who posts usually does so with the intent that it will get a response and attention.
  5. Remember: Damn Daniel...

    Dayum daniel.....

    Damn daniel...

    I lol'ed. ;-;
  6. Jesus has spoken.
  7. Dayum those attacks tho
  8. The butthurt is real 
  9. 5976/212

    You can leave now lol.
  10. Who the heck is this Kristell noob?

    182 posts and they think they own the place.
  11. I guess they're just joining the procession of losers who don't have the spine to ever post a thread. Instead call people "butthurt" for having a laugh at Kristell.

    Kristell I can make a thread that took about 4 whole minutes to make - and it's got about as many responses as you have posts. Lol.
  12. Threatening that tiny account? Jesus Christ.

    Both of you, why do we need this on our forums? Onesy hitting a tiny account? Anarchy falling right into the reaction thread trap? I (attach whatever forthcoming negative attributes) dislike you both greatly right now.

    Anyways.. Hire hitting/Attack strips are meant for reaction, and annoyance, not gold loss. And there's not much worse than a chihuahua account, or those that overuse "" or "butthurt".
  13. You're one to talk about being a noob... Not that I'm any better. I was forum LB before you started your account (is that sad for me?). And if anyone does, Ashes or Killzone owns the place.
  14. Lol iGalaxy.

    Still stuck in the past i.e. iTeam.

    You act like getting on the forum leaderboard was a great feat.
  15. ^I haven't changed my name in 6 years, so perhaps. Zaln was a cool guy, did it for him.

    I called myself sad for that forum LB comment.

    It was in response to your "182 posts" dismissal.
  16. Lol forum post counts mean nothing. People playing 6 years can have less than a hundred posts, doesn't mean they are a noob. They just didn't get sucked into forums like the rest of us lol.
  17. ^Poor souls. I like the forums. I also like the 3T of stripped Invictus allies I'm currently sitting on. Might be time to clear them out soon.
  18. Onesy just thirsty
  19. Ermagawd it's you?

  20. Too troll, very carnage ?