Damn Daniel...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by W32SQLE_Anarchy, Feb 24, 2016.

  1. It looks more like a bm hire. Something you do to trigger people. Attention leech? This is a forum. A place for discussion, no?
  2. > talks about how insulting people about threads is boring

    No I said your comeback is lame, it still is lame now

    > admits he doesn't read posts properly and starts slamming on his keyboard

    If noob even read the post properly you'd see I did read it all and was just slamming your none sense, I know mind blow :shock:

    > insults someone using examples of a thread he made

    I'll challenge you to find the thread/s then sweet heart, it was a year ago and most where locked. Have fun :)

    > apparently talking about threads is boring?
    > seems to think he isn't a moron

    Since these two will have similar response, what the hell.
    You're saying I said word which was never said, if your thread was boring I would of left after onesy told me to, riddle me that me, and further more I agree with you I am a moron and so will the rest of Kaw so don't say I don't think I am :lol:
  3. If that's how you "discuss" things with people Dinoob, then I now understand your struggles.

    Lol. Good try at the old "hurr durr forums are for me to talk aren't they?" Yeah but if you come in hostile, you're not discussing - just trying for attention.
  4. It was in response to that which I quoted. KWA= kaw'ers with attitude, btw. You say I'm hostile, I think you're oversensitive and projecting.
  5. Random edit to op after I finished my bar off on you after you banked  I love it ps don't go to sleep you'll miss more screenshots
  6. Dam Daniel, so dumb you don't even remember/understand what you said.

    Here is the original post Wolfie.

    "Something about threads" - implies you stopped reading because me "comeback" involving threads was boring.

    "He should know I've done threads like this in a far more spectacular fashion." - you now say that I am not as high and mighty as you because you have made better threads better than me? So you are insulting me/my thread, using the idea that you've made better threads?

    See the contradiction? Or still too dumb?

    The part about me finding threads you made is so far from the point I'm not even going to bother asking where you were going with that.

    Look, when you are going to try and pick apart something someone said, you have to actually make relevant comments and understand what they actually said. Please keep going though, only reason I come to forums is for the really "unique" people such as yourself.
  7. Doesn't matter what it is in response to.
    Your intention was just to discuss things from the start right? Otherwise you aren't in forums to discuss things as you say, you came here hostile, then decided you wanted to be here to "discuss things"?

    Sorry for being "over sensitive" though. You know, like responding to your hostile comments, with hostile comments. Makes sense.
  8. Random edit was to show your porky pies. That's all.

    Btw does 3 laughing crying faces make it 3 times as funny? Or is that just your little habit to make you feel like you might at some point in your life be humorous?
  9. OMG you're so dumb. But at least he's trying, should give him a gold star for effort.

    I said I stopped read because your post was boring me, but if noob for brains actually read it you'll find I did read it and making a sly comment about how worthless your comeback was.

    read between the lines, it'll help you in understanding my sly digs.

    Since I'm having to spell it out for you.

    S-P-E-L-L . I-T . O-U-T . F-O-R . Y-O-U

    The high n mighty comment is said when someone thinks they are above the rest, you even said it when you think you put more effort into forums than me. I don't think I'm high n might I'm bring you back down to the dirt with the rest of us.

    All I'm saying is your comeback was lame, and others have made far more enjoyable threads of this style, with far more to go on than just 62bil :lol:
  10. All that just for a explanation :roll: and you'll still make a ass job in trying understanding me,

    Side note, if you do figure me out, I want a explanation.
  11. It matters a great deal what I'm responding to. I'm sure you know that. As for hostility and sensitivity, I don't consider our exchanges as hostile. I think you do though.
  12. Your a bunch of weirdos, fight
  13. I'm done with you. You literally think I should be able to read your mind.

    You are a moron. Nothing other than absolutely stupid.
  14. Oh so your initial comment was designed to make friends with me, not insult me in any way? Is that what you're saying or?

    You also are a clown. Can I get someone in here who actually understands what they, themselves are saying?
  15. It wasn't for you at all really. That's where the main point is. On second note, if someone not wanting to be your friend is insulting to you then oversensitive is not doing you justice.
  16. So you mentioned my name, about a topic relating to me, on a thread I made and it's not at me.

    Makes sense man.
  17. I never asked you to be my friend, I could get a more intelligent friend in a frog. The idea that your comment is "discussion" is moronic and the longer you try to pretend like you weren't insulting me, for whatever reason you want to hide that, the longer you'll look like a moron.
  18. Looks like you got it! It was not for you. Now please rememer that offense is taken, not given. And you seem to be taking it by the truck load! I don't enjoy being offended so I won't be partaking in your indulgance however.
  19. Damnnnn Daniel
  20. I swear some people.

    If you walk outside right now (unlikely, I know) and go and talk to your (hypothetical) friend across the street about your neighbour.

    If you say sarcastic comments intended to poke fun at that neighbour and mock them and they can hear you. They will take offence.

    I don't know what world you live in, obviously one where publicly mocking another party means that they can't take offence, as you just weren't directly talking to them.

    Like I can't even fathom the stupidity. Next time you're in a busy area yell out to everyone that the guy next to you smells. When he takes offence, make sure you tell him you weren't talking to him, just to the other people - so he's in the wrong for taking offence.