Still crying that I didn't give you any attention. That was the point, you're still mad. You wouldn't be if I hit you back. I'll pretend like that hurt and give you a pat on the back whilst I remind you of that time when I ruined your clan and you got supremely butthurt. bl.
Because worthless ally is worthless. Hate to break it to you op, if onesy didn't make it clear to you. 62bil is buttons, he was after the reaction :lol: and reaction he got
That's because you're an eb fairy hey? I'd like to see you make 62b in 5 min, because if somehow you make 744b every hour, you make 5,952,000,000,000 in 8 hours. Totally.
Oh my bad, I'll go n sit in corner :shock: Shouldn't just leave the cage door like that, never know what may happen. :evil:
Taking advantage of my trust: congratulations. I'm a trusting person. You (actually it was primarily Kasama) had admin and promptly kicked noobs. Good for you. Really helping out many people on the game. 60+ new and reasonably active players given reason to quit. Congratulations. Sadly you cannot put that on a CV, nor brag about it (Allah forbid) to your friends or children.
So hiring people's allies for free is done to get a reaction or? Pls enlighten me as to the part where I cared about how much the ally cost? Or are you just another idiot who reads two words, looks at the pictures like a toddler and tries to form a fully sick response that's gonna slash me down? U got me man.
Thinking straight is thinking: > hiring an ally for free (charity) > you expect to get a thread calling you out? Or is it: > months of talk about how you can't hit me > finally hit me > after you fail strip me > are a bc build like a coward
CORRECTION! I am a idiot with 32 words, can't you count? I'm not saying you did or did not care, ( you oh so cared, so very much ) But it's not a question of what you think, it's a question of how easy 62 bil is easily come by.
Oh but you can put the part about me "never hitting you back" on your CV, and brag about it, and tell your friends or children? Sweet dude.
Dude I make that loss in like 2 secs like 576b an hour dude just buttons to me man so cheap idc idc I make that every time I breathe dawg it's no worries u kno like kno worries I'm not even embarrassed. these laughing faces make me funny I swear.
Yea I care dawg. Look at the effort in this thread and the mad gold I have. Couldn't think of anything worse. Before you tell me I made a thread, like the predictable moron you are. Have a think about what the purpose of making this thread was. Onesy just gave thd some material to help an inactive noob cause a stir.