Re: NEW MOD TIME BRO Corinthian has come out of retirement to support Cynder for mod. All hail the true king!
Re: NEW MOD TIME BRO Pretty good thread from a pretty good player is pretty good. Pretty good, bruv
Re: NEW MOD TIME BRO Support! You would make a great addition the the unpayed silencers and thread closers in this game! Plus your very own free green name and unlimited speakers! However to be considered a viable candidate you need to change many of your answers to "I will farm them until they buy seals to drop in my clan".
Re: NEW MOD TIME BRO At least Cynder would put his name on it while silencing people. I tried to find the Mod who silenced me for a 1vs1 and everyone of them said "I didn't do it" or some variation. Support Cynder for Mod.
Re: NEW MOD TIME BRO 1v1 because a mod silenced you XD you never know it might be one of the mods inside your huge osw clan. Mods do even silence friends also to bare in mind. I'm just saying
Re: NEW MOD TIME BRO I never did understand why a social channel on a social driven app had limited free use.
Re: NEW MOD TIME BRO I asked them too, I didn't exempt them from that statement or my actions when I was asking. :lol:
Re: NEW MOD TIME BRO Well this was nice to see when I get back on Tbh I thought this had a good chance of being locked, joke or not