Re: NEW MOD TIME BRO He wouldn't have the finesse to pull it off (all of KaW), but if he did, I agree at least one of the moderators over in S.M.A.S.H. would probably say something along the lines of, "I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced." :ugeek:
Re: NEW MOD TIME BRO Cyn not being a mod is just another example of how the devs are destroying KaW :lol:
Re: NEW MOD TIME BRO I am no longer a moderator, no? I think, in the scheme of things, for those of us having little impact, what goes on in the sidelines is irrelevant. For those of us who still affect the world, influence of the demographic will still be a consideration, yet sometimes there will be decisions made that will be unpopular with the remnant for the sake of the whole, majority, or new. What does that mean "for our kind?" What it means will always be up to the individual to decide. I am not presumptuous enough to assume an interpretation for an entire group.
Re: NEW MOD TIME BRO There are far too few of the old ones left. And not that the old days were so much better, they had separate flaws, and their own mistakes (your OSFs may be one of them), but they were dynamic. Intimate. Friendships grew, flourished, people innovated, bantered, discovered. Perhaps I lack that simply due to inactivity, and to others moving on to more important matters. Perhaps the culture is irrevocably different. I'm too tired to give that discussion a proper analysis though... You could always not disappear. Again. Though
Re: NEW MOD TIME BRO ^Pwar ads? Or recognizing people, and having conversations other than recycled trash talk?
Re: NEW MOD TIME BRO Pwars were 4 years ago lolz I'm talking about when ppl chatted on WC! When those waited hours for and OSF to open. And the constant banter
Re: NEW MOD TIME BRO I see you are waxing nostalgic here. I think such colorful interactions still happen here, it's just those are reliant on the individual clan experiences (and player-to-player on a lesser extent) over global interactions. To some extent, due to most things being "figured out," due to low system complexity (and few publicly sharing yet curious testers checking mechanics "just because"), as well as no meaningful way to progress other than to slug the grind out (and lasting (or "fun") damage to others is both missing yet can't be implemented), the system seems lends itself to eventually falling into this state. However, a stubborn community core can indeed inspire the remaining laggard body of players to action and discourse, to do more than just dream of the stars, but to strive for them as well. How much of the core remains resolute? How many have been added to the core in this battle for the soul of KaW? Aside, I confess my activity has waxed and waned for a variety of reasons, yet I have never disappeared. I have been involved in Kingdoms At War too much to abandon it fully. Is it time to attempt to spice things up, however briefly I can lend myself to things? Perhaps, but a game and a community should be able to stand firm on more than a handful of individuals for life. In playing in the background quietly today alone, I've ran into at least 50 active low-end ally traders, and plenty of people with the new player blessing are on the ally list. When you consider the many various clans recruiting, the game itself has life, there just needs to be a way to show it - to connect the disparate groups' various bubbles (without popping them) into one large colony, rather than isolated bastions against the long dark. In this regard, I'm hopeful towards the lowlands wars helping to unite the community and fight through dealing with having dated mechanics in a high-speed technology world. By the way, towards failures and potential failures like the OSF, or player-organized wars like someone gave as an example in other topic, I think even failures help keep the game interesting. While it is more tiring to be involved in a grassroots endeavor, it is infinitely more satisfying than just complaining or petitioning on distant changes to the game while doing nothing more than hitting an epic battle. Look at how Off-System Wars are always a thing in that regard. Sure, petition the developers so they know what the community wants, but in the end, satisfaction is only determined by you, the players. If you're having a good time, then share the secret with others beyond your local circle. Joy to the World and so on. I believe that as a community, there's still excitement to be had beyond developer-guided events, anyways. PS: I may have gone on a tangent and rambled a bit. Whoops! PPS: This is by no means analysis, just random comments that happened to be typed. The benefit of not being a player-moderator any longer (EDIT: Or some other kind of community leader) is I can hit 'Submit' without double-checking my text The community world chat has indeed changed. Perhaps getting rid of the Speaker system as ATA has done elsewhere might help. Compensation could be 1 for 1 Speakers to Nobility on the transition - simple enough, and those who never bought speakers would get up to 25 extra nobility out of the switch. If other world chats can have proper conversation without such a limitation, I don't see why we can't either.