Cycle of Flame Weekend!

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 5, 2016.

  1. What is the point of replying to this thread? It's just an announcement
  2. Are you at least going to drop some free circles every weekend for f2p players? Or make it more frequent in the event box or make it drop from BR, something? Nothing outrageous, 4-5 circles every weekend so that every clan can at least do a couple ZTAs. Give all players a taste of the Eb and if they like it they can purchase more nob for circles. If everyone has a few circles, it might also encourage payers to stay in their clans for one or 2 EBs instead of spending the whole weekend in a b2b zta clan.

    Otherwise no support, you said it would only be in July. You're not even doing anything for the game with all that money.
  3. Running a crux and unloading once or so per zta gets you max items i got 15k running just free ztas it is 100% better during events