The thing that bothers me is that no matter how much u spend even if run battle cry for ages it wouldn't make that impact over clan members growth.. u can't grow unless u keep doing zta/hte or clan jumping.. where the hell is team work stands in the current kaw.
U need about 84$ a week if u max xtal daily from 200 xtals offer.. + 100$ if u use 2k nobs a week.. 1k $ a week is unspendable
I can tell you for a fact that a friend if mine trying to break into top 45 ally lb spends about 100-150 per week.
How can we exchange or icon of agony, if u take away the item to unlock it? Matter of fact I still have an anniversary crux chest I can't use either cause the key is no longer for sale either. Smh
Is it tho? Isn't daily cap $500? And if you drop seals that only last 15 min you could very well spend more than 2k nobs a week+battle cry that's what another 59 per hour? Then on weekends you Pvp and cast horns every hour? Another 59 nobs.... a lot more ways to spend money than just seals. Or if your doing ZTA and dropping 100 circles an eb that don't last longer than 15min that's what 200 nobs an hour? Just spitballing here but I know a few weekends I spent well over $100 just in two days between circles xtals and casting Pvp horn. So in a week? For a serious spender? $1k is very possible