Cyber Monday Spectacular

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Dec 1, 2014.

  1. And an orange one!!!
  2. I bought some seals and some crystals. You should have sales more often. I'm sure it would drive sales more often.
  3. This event will end in 54 minutes.
  4. Only a few minutes left everyone. Be sure to grab your sale items before noon pacific!

    As a reminder, while the prices return to normal at noon there may be a brief period where Horms/Seals do not show up in the marketplace.
  5. Is unlimited regen and 50% bonus on hte and Rob over at 12 pst aswell?
  6. Do crux chests purchased persist after promo or are they removed?
  7. Yes Elric if u bought them u have them till u use them
  8. That's correct.

    They will not expire.
  9. The cyber Monday sale is over. Horns and seals will repair reappear shortly.
  10. awe man, i totally missed it.

    lets extend it again!!!
  11. I'm actually surprised that after 15 whole minutes of the bonuses being over, someone hasn't complained about "I didn't get to buy seals" or "this is unfair it should be extended 24 hours because I didn't get enough gold during 50% bonus HTE" lmao
  12. Can we get a dicount off boxes as well :)
  13. @kawcomm have you heard of cyber week where deals last the whole week
  14. I'm just happy they did a cyber Monday, I bought a few more crux chests today because if that lol
  15. Omg the pissing and moaning! Your right. This game shouldn't make money. Perhaps it should go the way of gaw or future combat. When was the last time you worked all week, got your paycheck, and gave it back? This is a buisness people! If you don't like it, you don't have to spend money,or play for that matter.
  16. It's over :(. Thank you Devs it helped
  17. Thx devs i was able to Buy this time Thx for extra plunder aswell