Cyber Monday Spectacular

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Dec 1, 2014.

  1. How about a 'Suck every last cent out of customers because they will buy in fear of losing ground on the lb ranking or clan rank ' Tuesday????
  2. And we could have Wacky Wednesday
  3. The only reason they did this is because lb ran out of the Crux chest on Saturday or yesterday and devs felt like it was important to let them get even further ahead in bfa then the rest of us lol.
  4. Come on devs give us 50% off xtals. I'm sure the sales would rocket.
  5. The devs did this so they can make extra $, who cares?? Every company has a 'sale' to boost their profits! If they didn't make money then why would thy bother to do it? Clowns
  6. Just as expected, same dumb  from the devs. They couldn't at miths or xtalls to the mix. Pfffft
  7. As usual so many ppl r unoriginal n repeat the obvious. Play the game or not
  8. Kaw_Community, Can you look at my "PVP event Idea for 2014/2015" Thread in Active topics please?
  9. Heck yeah!!!!
  10. If you haven't realized, the 1-2 hour war times are rigged so that xstals have to be bought to win. If the community as a whole stops buying xstals for war, you'll get more fair wars because the time would need to be extended to support fair wars.

    I keep seeing people say "you're not forced to do EB events"... Well, here's everyone's chance to step up and farm quests for nobility points if you want to regen in war.
  11. alot of "devs just want extra money" post.

    any chance yall missed the last thread where a ton of people were stating how they didnt know about the sale and missed out?

    want to call it a money grab and its for lb players? maybe this is actually for all the people who were pretty much begging for an extension.

    yall are complaining regardless of what they do or dont do.. what is wrong with some of yall?
  12. Devs how dare you run your business and make profit this year and where's my multicoloured name I NEED a rainbow name
  13.  people crying like little bitches about devs making profits  who cares. Shut your mouth and don't buy any 

  14. Been several times we didnt need to xstal to win. They are rare but it does happen.
  15. for real? instead of asking us to buy, should reward ourselves with all that as drops in epics
  16. Can we have a try hard Tuesday and whatever the **** else Wednesday so you devs can get your private jets?
  17. Can dev also give us 50% off for purchasing noobs and xtal too ?
  18. Wish we had 30 minute regen weekends