You wait for everyone to spend on xtals and seals. Thousands of players spent when they wouldn't of. And now you take the pee and destroy the value of their purchases throughout the first part of this event. More than annoyed with how you treat your customers. Hell here we have companies assuring people that the Black Friday deal is the best deal. If not they will refund the difference. How many pay packets and savings do you think your customers have wasted on what are now overpriced seals for the last few days. One event at a time. Set the price at a transparent price we all know and can budget for. And make the extra bar permanent as you have made kingdoms so darn large that pay to play ebs last mere minutes.
Not sure if it's just the servers, but hte just glitched wildly on pc after finishing the optional bar. Thought I'd let you know in case it has to do with the bar itself and not servers.
Well said! Devs, you're telling us that your black friday deals are such awesome offers and yet you screw everyone over who payed 100 nobility (10 bucks!!) for a single zta within the last 3 days. Do you really want your customers regretting that they bought xtals/nobs? Because that's exactly what I am doing right now. Regretting that I spend money on this game again.
I love how everyone complains about it as if ATA is forcing you to spend money. I suggest if you wanna spend money always wait till cyber Monday. You people can't beg for 50% build refund then complain when it's given. That is like buying a house for $200,000 then finding out the house next to it that is the same but it cost $100,000. Don't blame ATA because you choose to pay money for fake gold. Don't blame them cause you destroyed half your buildings for little reward. Be upset at yourself for not having the patience to wait.
The problem is we didn't know it was coming dumbass. Traditionally building sell price has been on BF, why would people suddenly start expecting it on Cyber Monday for no apparent reason?
@SecretKiller I don't think you get the point here. Let's say you buy said house for 200k and one day later you hear that the company who sold you the house is now offering the same house for only 100k. Wouldn't you feel kind of screwed over? Wouldn't you think that this is some shady business marketing? ATA is just doing this to squeeze out the last bit of money they can get from their customers.
You buy socks at the store for 25% off for a thanksgiving sale. The next day is black friday, and now they're 75% off. You didn't get cheated out of your money any more than you "do" when you buy things that aren't on sale. You don't go whining to the grocery store about how apples are 10c off today and you bought them for 10c more two days ago, so you should get reimbursed. That would be ridiculous.
You also don't tend to get repeat business when you tray customers like that. And uk wise. Yes we actually have laws that require a sale to be a genuine discount, trading standards see to that. People are not complaining because they are annoyed about the discount for Black Friday. It's because many saved up in anticipation of Black Friday. Spent on what was seemingly good value, only to then have their purchases made to appear overpriced by an immediate better value offer during the same event. It's not exactly wrong that ata do this. But it is not the best way to ensure your customers are getting perceived value for money. As stated in the uk Many companies were running adverts that Black Friday deals that we all know about and plan for will reprepsent the best deal this year. Or they will refund the difference. They are doing this so customers perceive and are getting the best possible value for money. During this event. How many would have purchased zta over seals and spent their money on xtals if they had known zta were to be availabie I doubt many hte would have been purchased knowing that zta pays better. And all those who now ctalled on hte are wishing they had waited for zta. The event was at first good value for once. Aside from the lack of a second bar. The devs could have left it as such and people would have been content I would have been seeing growth for once. Now. It seems like a slap in the face for those who spent their money to be told now not only did they spend it on something that got them half the potential gold. But that their clans would also have benefitted from longer ebs representing better value. From win to fail in one bad marketing move.
I guess you're right there (even though there's a slight difference between a 10c apple and a $10(!) epic battle). But the devs knew exactly that a LOT of people would rush, buy nobs and do zta. So this move now is only to get the last bit of money out of this "promo weekend". And of course those people mentioned above feel cheated now (incl me). I think everyone would feel that way. But if that's how ATA wants their paying customers to feel, so be it... Other companies let you give your item back if it gets cheaper. Even steam does that with games if they're on sale and cheaper as before.
The sad thing is it's not even surprising. Offering HTE half price first probably earnt them more money than half price ZTA. Players likely didn't just purchase seals for the event, but for future events also. Those with the funds likely stockpiled some seals in anticipation for other events. You can't do that with a half price ZTA. And everyone can contribute with ZTA with left over nobs so it's possible that while half price is better value for us, it isn't for them. That's just my thinking however. The half price seals and extra 75% gold was great. However it's a rather kick in the guts to their loyal customer base that is happy to spend, either regularly or on special events like this one, to bring ZTA to half price. As always with the devs, it's one step forward and ten steps backwards. Like I said, the half price seals and extra plunder was great. You can't help but feel cheated out of your spending though, with this sale release.
Unfortunately people got what they paid for. If they ran half priced Zta along side half priced hte which would you spend on? Granted I do agree that people feel legitimately reamed on this but it's all a marketing strategy. Zta pays better then hte with more bars, people spent money & bought half priced SEALS. Zta ran over the weekend and players could have saved circles & spammed seals. Granted the optional bar was a low blow since it's back today instead of Friday. However, Bf is traditionally half priced seal day & Crux on sale. They delivered on that with the added 50% & extra promo bars. This building change with half priced Zta should be a great thing, more gold at less the cost of a seal. Still would have been nice Friday but as stated offering bother together would be a majorly huge flaw business wise based around "Why buy 3$ seals when Zta is 5$ & still paid better". The kawmunity got what they paid for, half priced seals & now complain about half priced Zta after seals cost the normal? Can't please everyone I suppose.
Batdog, I'm sure their profits would have gone up anyway. Bigger players would have gone for ZTA while the smaller may have gone for HTE. Regardless, plenty would have still spent seals and stockpiled for future events. Is it likely that their profits may be lower off HTE had they offered ZTA from Friday? I'd say so. Would it be drastically lower? I'm not sure without having the numbers but I'm going to say no. Now is that possible slight drop in profit worth screwing over their customer base? I'll have to say no. Their profit would be up in comparison of other events regardless.