Cyber Bullying Awareness

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Resident_Of_Evil, Oct 9, 2015.

  1. Exactly 011. If it was as simple as turning off a device as a few here have suggested, it likely wouldn't be an issue. It is a lot more complicated than blocking or turning your device off. People continue face to face, they make new accounts to get around blocking etc. People can be cruel. And this happens face to face and/or online.
  2. I never saw such idiotic posts in my life. Cyberbullying is a problem that is often brought from the web off the web.

    Some people only have the internet, they don't have parents, friends, nor teachers to talk to. So one day their dad beats them, they have nowhere to turn to but the internet. The kid gets suicidal and talks to his or her friend. He or she feels better. It happens the next day and the friend isn't there. He or she asks for help in world chat to make a friend, someone calls the kid names. Tells them to get the **** offline because just like you guys stated, he or she is just a "pansy". Yet, they take it one step up, they tell this kid that they're a waste of space. They should kill themselves because his or her parents don't love them enough and that's why they beat them.

    All this kid needed was help and now they have their first suicide attempt.

    You guys may be stronger than most children now a days. Congratulations. Just know that there is a suicide every 40 seconds. Sue OP for making a thread about cyber-bullying on a 9+ Game

    And don't even say **** like this never happens and make fun of the scenario. Guess what it does happen.

    Hell there was this kid that only had a video game that mattered. He had nobody but one real life friend. His friend ruined his account and he killed himself over a game. **** like this is happening all the time lately. Maybe we are "weaker" or maybe we're more rude and lifeless. So bad that none of us even knows how to get through the day without a smartphone, tablet, or computer anymore. Humanity is gone.

    TL;DR stop being tools.
  3. Also, to those who say its not real and just a label parents use for their mentally weak children.. Oh and theb to those people who go further to say real bullying take self-defense classes...

    Are you saying that emotional abuse isn't real and only physical abuse is? That's basically what you're saying. Just because someone is spoken down upon through words online doesnt mean physical abuse is worse because it leaves marks.

    Emotional abuse is just as damaging. Cyberbullying is emotional abuse. Ultimately causing any harm to someones mental state is abuse. Most women who were abused in relationships said they would take the physical pain over the emotional pain if they could.

    When people leave scars on the inside, it can be just as damaging if not worse.
  4. Hello
    I believe that this thread is about spreading awareness about the harmness of cyber bullying, not if it considered bullying or not.

    And the fact that many have sided away shows how necessary it was to be made.

    Yes cyber bullying exists and the numbers of suicide attempts from it are on a rise.

    So I think I won't teach my kids just how to stand for themselves but to loath the idea of bullying and stand for that.
  5. Why have we abandoned natural selection?

    When the weak are allowed to survive, our species will pay the price.
  6. Survival instinct maybe
  7. I thought that's what kept the strong alive
  8. Deads are the ones who don't have it
  9. Nobody is weak for having emotions. People are weak when they lack emotions or take his or her issues and angers out on somebody else.
  10. I agree with the first sentence.

    Do you think there will be any long-term consequences of preventing bullying?
  11. But it's fun to bully people online
  12. I'm not saying we should kill all the idiots, I'm just saying let's remove all the warning labels and let the problem solve itself out. 
  13. Lmao, just turn of your computer and go outside xD
  14. You have to have some kind of mental disorder to take things said online to heart, especially on this game. Nobody knows what you look like, who you are, anything about you. So why would you even give their insults any thought?
  15. This made me chuckle
  16. Yet we are the only species that seems to be thriving while all the others that rely on natural selection are engender.
  17. 'We are the only species that seems to be thriving'

    Lololol nope. We were thriving at some point, now its just slow moral decay and almost irreversible degeneracy. Feels bad man.
  18. You obviously never learn history. While we are not perfect and never will be I will take the present to any other time in the past.
  19. 'You obviously never learned history' okay, Thanks for coming to that conclusion after reading 1 thing i said on le kaw forums.

    True, we aren't perfect, we never will be. But there were times when we got pretty high, but at this point. I'd say we are going downhill. Fast.