Cyber Bullying Awareness

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Resident_Of_Evil, Oct 9, 2015.

  1. @Front

    I am not sure which I am more surprise at that you actually said what you said or that a mod did not delete your post.
  2. Cyber bullying deez nuts !
  3. Calls people idiots after proclaiming you can't turn off devices.....nice

    Bud we had guns and gangs as well. Main difference is we were responsible enough and man enough not to use them over petty schoolyard squabbles.

    While I do believe parenting is responsible for most of this, I also believe that the arrogant tight ass law makers make it near a crime to punish your kid for anything are hurting that cause as well. I truly feel sorry for all you kids growing up in a world that victimizes everyone, including criminals. It is part of the reason you think you are entitled to everything, aren't accountable for your actions, and believe the world owes you something for being in it.

    And barcode guy...we are talking about CYBER bullying. Pretty sure gangs and guns can't get you through the airwaves, yet
  4. Im quite sure he didnt mean you couldnt simply turn it off, what he meant was no matter where you are, who you are, or any of that, we are constantly surrounded by the internet.

    Whether its school, college, work, friends, family, games and whatever else, you cannot just simply turn it off.
  5. @ optimal

    I understand what you are saying. And I completely agree the Internet is an invaluable tool that is near impossible to grow in life without these days. But you are also talking about the use of the informational Internet. Using search engines to look up information or using websites that contain positive material are not great mediums for this topic. I don't see anyone being "bullied" when they use WIKI or some likeness while browsing the web.

    This problem lies mainly through the use of social media, forums, and possibly social games like this. And that is avoidable and not exactly a necessity.

    I also agree that unfortunately there are deadbeat parents who don't care at all about their kids well being and positive mature growth. This leaves them using the these types of medias to the point of relying on them for their problems and development. But we can't help everyone. The best we can hope for is to catch these kids as early as possible and give them positive outlets.

    With that I also say, if kids these days truly want to avoid this, then get off those Facebook and social sites, turn the damn devices off, get your ass outside and enjoy life for what it really is.
  6. Resident, Anything "CYBER" related, as this topic is about, can most definitely be shut off. Anything else isn't related to this topic and I am not talking about those:)
  7. Its not like they can find you in the real world and bully you just block their ass and get on with it.
  8. Front I agree with a lot of what you say.
    Though I strongly disagree with some of what you say, and the judgments of others abilities.

    The simple fact is that the Internet is full of users from all walks of life.
    Even on here and fb some of the medical discussions available are fantastic.

    Where we differ is the direction of attack. Those being forced to turn devices off due to bullies are the people who would most need to reach out on social media.
    The lonely and vulnerable.
    Those who abuse others via any means are the ones that need to be removed from the net.

    On here at least though I think the developers have sensible measures in place.
    Not perfect. But it is a reasonable balance of moderation and the ability to report, combined with the ability to talk reasonably without being to heavily censored.
    Fb and others. Have far more flaws.
    And the reality is this.
    If someone is a victim, there are legal routes a person can take if needed.

    At the end of the day as previously stated. All should try to treat others especially in our community with a sensible amount of respect and courtesy for the human at the other end of the game.
  9. Now i can agree mostly with this, but i also believe since this is just a game, all the personal problems should stay in your life not be used on a game as an outlet.
  10. Question:

    I have a FB account. But, someone keeps harassing me on it. I should be able to use FB as intended but someone keeps harassing, even after I block them with new accounts.

  11. I like your conviction optimal. But only if we're that easy:)

    I guess I'm a realist to the point of sounding insensitive at times. And I suppose maybe I take the cyber realm for granted since I didn't have it growing up.

    We used our parents, friends, teachers, and church as our guides and councilors. When parents fail, there are always other live people to reach out to. I just wish those who use faceless strangers on the Internet to solve their problems would turn to these sources as well.
  12. Sounds like they are going through more trouble creating accounts to harass you with. That's worth the laugh at it to me lol.

    But although I think this question is hypothetical, I would suggest taking it to FB support and see what your options are. If it can be proven and traced to a certain IP then perhaps it can be blocked by the FB team. See what options are there and if nothing else ignore it, I'm sure they will tire of it sooner or later.
  13. It is hypothetical. I have a strong dislike for having my personal life on fb.. Only have for KaW, lol
  14. Lol. Same. I have an account linked with friends and family. But I dont ever post, share, or otherwise use it. I do enjoy seeing some of the hilarious memes and vids that get posted by them though

  15. Learn how to use privacy controls or do without facebook.
  16. I am horse.
  17. Anybody has the right to say what they want.

    Im not defending cyber bullying. If someone cyber bullies you block them.

    I know alot of people have the mentality that if you are provoked you should "defend yourself" by cyber bullying them back. Take not that the people on the other end of the line are people too. If a cyber bully makes a cyber bully out of you then you are no better than them. Fight hate with love.

    Fyi i didnt read op because im tired so if i literally just quoted op i apologize but this is how i feel.
  18. Is farmer cyber bullying so I can report my farmer to the FBI?
  19. I do NOT think cyber bullying should be a crime though...
  20. apparently sending to someone over the interwebz "ur stupid" is the same as being bashed