Cut The Mods Some Slack!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iSpencer, Aug 28, 2016.

  1. (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  2. You are great titan. Although you arent in ex too much you still make a good contribution especially through your guides. And I'm eager to see what you have yet to produce for the community. :)
  3. They aren't any different, they can handle the negativity. They're not children OP. Grow up if you can't think for yourself
  4. LOL , your ignorance.
  5. There was a time in this game when mods were knowledgable about this game and didn't see their job as "silence the noobs" wulf belemorte and yes coranthin (even though I still hit him) were great mods whether we liked them or not they helped the game
  6. 100% true. The moment I see more mods actually being involved in the actual question thread and even threads made with questions, and making guides and such, I'll support them all.

    Only ones I've really ever seen do that would be Chocolate, Moody, TG, and Daphnia. In WC I have seen michael and Mei, but it's been very inconsistent and sporadic. The others are forum trolls(10/10 support and love you guys but lol at modding) ghost mods, or people on a green power trip.

    Idc about them doing there job, but there only job isn't to jut silence and whack the ban hammer, it's to help and create a positive influence on the game.

    Someone bypasses, yeah silence them good job, but then don't go around threatening to silence others for something they haven't done against ToU, or actually attempt to get involved and help the community.

    The whole reason people have such a bad opinion on mods is because of the lack of actual involvement. These new mods have a chance to reshape how the player base thinks of moderators.

    I expect them to change widespread opinion positively. It may take some time, but I think most of them are capable of turning things around.
  7. I feel like more people should be taking this less seriously.

    I've never treated the mods any different than anyone else. I interact with them based on who they are as individuals.

    There are always going to be trolls and raging idiots that go after the mods. They know that when they apply for the job. (There will always be fanboys, too)

    "Cut the mods some slack"? I'm sure that will change a lot of hearts and minds. Trolls will suddenly think, "hey, maybe being a jerk to everyone for the lulz isn't actually cool". And whiny brats that got silenced/banned because they didn't read the tou will all be like, "maybe it actually was my own fault"
  8. You seriously blew my mind. Thanks for the knowledge bro :arm:
  9. where is yarmes when we need him...
  10. Meh. Ive been around since Corithiean and Koolaid was moderator. Was it Koolaid? Im pretty sure it was Koolaid. Anyway A moderator is just another player who helps the devs enfore the Terms of Service mates. They come in all forms and sizes. Some dont do a good job. And therefore are removed and others do a good job and hang around.

    Ive been a moderator for 3 other Game communities Ive got to say these guys do a decent job. KaW is KaW its always been chaotic. I mean...

    Kingdoms at War... A game.. About fighting and looting and wagging war... I could be wrong but Im sure war has always been chaotic.

    Unless your a cold war then you just look menacingly at each other 
  11. Also.. Im applesauce and Im DELICIOUS. :) Applesauce for mod 2k16
  12. Is Op any mods alt ? :)

    Most of mods are useless, sometimes they take advantage of their position..

    Few are good..

    Hate all mods irrespective of their alliance/clans..

    Pretty sure they can take -vity, if they dont want -ve comments..
    They are free to leave that position :)
  13. When I have time Ima apply for mod. :/ Give me your sick your irritatied your trolls.
  14. I don't understand why you are so concerned with what other people think about the moderators.

    Some people who do complain, not all, do have legitimate reasons for disliking them. They may have saw something or had an experience with them that caused the negativity. There really isn't much you can say to change those peoples opinions.

    Sometimes the mods do their job well, and other times they don't. Some of us are seeing the don'ts and that's swaying our opinions to be negative.
  15. Corinthian silenced me once. Other then that Ive never had a problem with mods. XD
  16. Thank you Snoopy and those that recognize what I have done. Todd, I agree you don't see me in forums often really. I'm not the forum buff as most but when I am here it's normally for the better of the community when I post.

    As for me I'm not a die hard silencer either. I always warn before silencing if it is called for, unless it's super blatantly obvious in wc and is needed immediately.

    Most know me for my help in game out of forums answering questions or sending inquiries to the develop team or support for responses to return to the player.

    As though you've said you haven't seen me in forums much I do believe that is a calling I should be seen more frequently and will do my best to do so :)
  17. Support

  18. Unsupport
  19. @Titan ...u seem ok lol 

    Looking forward to seeing u more 
  20. Challenge accepted. This hampster is ginger and all about that jazz.